Klauspeter Blaser

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Klauspeter Blaser (born March 1, 1939 in Oberthal BE ; † July 7, 2002 ) was a Swiss Reformed theologian.

Live and act

Klaus Peter Blaser was in 1964 at the University of Mainz for Dr. theol. PhD. From 1966 to 1969 he worked as a lecturer in South Africa and Lesotho , after which he was secretary of the Swiss Mission in South Africa . In 1972 he became an associate professor, and in 1977 a full professor of systematic theology at the University of Lausanne . From 1976 to 1992 he also taught missiology at the University of Basel . In 1998 he also took over the professorship for practical theology in Lausanne.

Blaser's main areas of interest were missiology and intercultural theology , especially racism and the North-South conflict , but also the theology of Johannes Calvin and the 20th century. He has published numerous books and articles, both in German and in French. From 1991 to 1998 he was a member of the Faith and Order Commission at the World Council of Churches .

Blaser had been married to Christiane Bignens since 1969, and the marriage had three children. He died in 2002 on a mountain hike.

Fonts (selection)

  • History, church history, dogma history in Adolf von Harnack's thinking. A contribution to the problem of historical-theological disciplines. Diss. Mainz 1964.
  • Calvin's teaching on the three offices of Christ (= Theological Studies 105). EVZ-Verlag, Zurich 1970.
  • If God were black ... The problem of racism in theology and Christian practice. Theological Publishing House, Zurich 1972, ISBN 978-3-290-11310-0 .
  • Advance to pneumatology (= Theological Studies 121). Theological Publishing House, Zurich 1977, ISBN 978-3-290-17121-6 .
  • God's salvation in today's reality. Considerations, examples, suggestions. Lembeck, Frankfurt / Main 1978, ISBN 978-3-87476-105-5 .
  • La Mission. Dialogues et défis. Lausanne 1983, ISBN 978-2-82590-017-8 .
  • Karl Barth 1886–1968. Combats, idées, reprises. P. Lang, Bern 1987, ISBN 978-3-261-03788-6 .
  • Une Église, des confessions. Leur unité et désunion, leurs doctrines et pratiques. Tableaux comparatifs. Labor et fides, Genève 1990.
  • Popular ideology and popular theology. Ecumenical developments in the light of the Barmen Theological Declaration . C. Kaiser Verlag, Munich 1991, ISBN 978-3-459-01884-0 .
  • La théologie au XXe siècle. Histoire, défis, enjeux. L'Âge d'Homme, Paris 1995, ISBN 978-2-82510-670-9 .
  • Les théologies nord-américaines. Labor et fides, Genève 1995, ISBN 978-2-83090-750-6 .
  • Signe et instrument. Approche protestante de l'Eglise. Editions Universitaires, Friborg 2000, ISBN 978-2-82710-889-3 .
  • Le christianisme social. Une approche théologique et historique. Van Dieren, Paris 2003, ISBN 978-2-91108-733-2 .


  • Martina Schmidt among others: Un théologies au coeur de l'histoire. Homage to Klauspeter Blaser (1939–2002). In: Le Fait missionnaire, 2004, pp. 4-54.

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