Little Heidelberg song manuscript

The Kleine Heidelberger Liederhandschrift , often called Manuscript A for short , is a collection of Middle High German Minnesian poems , which was probably created in Alsace towards the end of the 13th century . The client is unknown.
It is the oldest of the three Upper German song manuscripts and contains 45 parchment sheets in small format (quart: 18.7 × 13.4) texts from the end of the 12th and beginning of the 13th century. The songs included come from poets from the years 1180 ( Heinrich von Rugge ) to 1240 ( Neidhart and Brother Wernher ).
The writing language is Alemannic, with Central German influence in the appendix. The manuscript is written in Gothic minuscule . The main part 1–39 was written by one hand; the addendum was written by four hands. The songs were written down without any column structure, their beginnings were marked by paragraph marks. The beginnings of the stanzas are marked by sometimes elaborately designed initials in blue and red.
The main part of manuscript A is divided into 34 sections or author names; the addendum is nameless. Four or five of the named authors are represented in two collections under slightly different names, according to which there are around 30 authors. The volume of the traditional songs ranges from two ( Reinmar der Junge ) to 151 stanzas ( Walther von der Vogelweide ).
In the main part there are 791 stanzas and two minneal oaks , 67 of which are Unica. Of the 60 stanzas in the appendix, 22 are Unica as well as the corpse from a.
The addendum consists of 56 stanzas without names or initials. On the basis of other sources, some of them can be assigned to specific poets. The last page contains more recent, broken stanzas and pen rehearsals.
The “Little Heidelberg Song Manuscript” is now, like the Great Heidelberg Song Manuscript , kept in the Heidelberg University Library ( shelf mark : cpg 357).
- Friedrich Adelung : News of old German poems that have come from the Heidelberg library to the Vatican. Königsberg 1796, Volume I. p. 87-130
- Friedrich Heinrich von der Hagen and Johann Gustav Gottlieb Büsching : Literary outline for the history of German poetry , Berlin 1812, p. 486-497
- Friedrich Wilken : History of the formation, robbery and destruction of the old Heidelberg book collections - A contribution to the history of literature, primarily of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries , Heidelberg 1817
- Karl Lachmann : List of the beginnings of stanzas according to their sequence in the manuscript in: Zeitschrift für deutsches Altertum Volume 3. , Berlin 1843
- Franz Pfeiffer: The old Heidelberg song manuscript , Literary Association Volume IX., Stuttgart 1844
- Wilhelm Wisser : The relationship of the Minnelieder manuscripts A and C to their common source , Eutin 1895 (grammar school program No. 692)
- Complete text edition: The little Heidelberg song manuscript in replica. Edited by Carl von Kraus with a foreword and list of the poets and the beginnings of stanzas . Stuttgart 1932
See also
Web links
- Entry in the manuscript census with more recent literature
- Digitization of the Kleiner Heidelberger Liederhandschrift A and Appendix a by the Heidelberg University Library