Cheminon Monastery

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Cheminon Cistercian Abbey
location FranceFrance France
region Grand Est
Marne department
Coordinates: 48 ° 44 '24 "  N , 4 ° 54' 14"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 44 '24 "  N , 4 ° 54' 14"  E
Serial number
according to Janauschek
founding year 1138
Year of dissolution /
Mother monastery Trois-Fontaines Monastery
Primary Abbey Clairvaux Monastery

Daughter monasteries


The Cheminon Monastery was a Cistercian abbey in the commune of Cheminon in the Marne department , Grand Est region , in France . It was about 16 km north of Saint-Dizier .


The monastery, founded by Count Hugues de Champagne between 1100 and 1102, was initially occupied by Canon Regulars . The abbey church was consecrated in 1110. In 1136 the canons asked to join the Cistercian order, to which the Trois-Fontaines abbey, 6 km away, belonged. Cheminon was subordinated to this monastery in 1138 as a subsidiary monastery and thus belonged to the filiation of the Clairvaux Primary Abbey . In 1194, Pope Celestine V restricted the number of monks to 60 and those of converses to 140. The monastery owned the agricultural properties Brusson, le Fays, Bredey. le Bruant, la Loge-Colotte, la Verrerie, la Basse-Cour, Renauval, Beaumont, la Coste, le Pont-de-Fer, la Cité, le Bouchot, la Solue, Rupt, Minières, la Corre, Heiltz-le Maurupt , Andernay and Maurupt. There were repeated conflicts with the nearby Trois-Fontaines monastery. There were also disputes with the village of Cheminon. In 1628 the monastery was damaged by lightning, but it was rebuilt by 1639. In the 17th century, the abbey joined strict observance. In 1661 the Count of Poitiers was appointed Commendatar Abbot. The last Commendatarabbot, Charles-François von Velbrück , died in 1784 and was not succeeded. In 1790 the impoverished abbey only had seven monks. After its abolition in the French Revolution, the abbey's goods were sold and the buildings were soon demolished. Today no noteworthy remains have survived (small remains of buildings on a photo).


  • Bernard Peugniez: Routier cistercien. Abbayes et sites. France, Belgique, Luxembourg, Suisse. Nouvelle édition augmentée. Éditions Gaud, Moisenay 2001, ISBN 2-84080-044-6 , p. 128.
  • AM Drant-Gonthier: L'abbaye de Cheminon au XVIIIe siècle. Masters thesis Nancy 1970.

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