Consolation Monastery (China)

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Monastery Consolation was from 1883 to 1947 (1954), a Chinese monastery of Trappist monks in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Beijing .


French monks of the monasteries Tamié and Sept-Fons founded the monastery Notre-Dame de la Consolation / Our Lady of Consolation ( Our Lady of Consolation ) in Yangjiaping near Beijing in 1883 , which was elevated to a priory in 1886 and an abbey in 1891 . It has been visited several times from Europe , including twice by Jean-Baptiste Chautard (1906 and 1929). Pope Pius XI mentioned it in the missionary encyclical Rerum Ecclesiae . The abbot was arrested in 1945, and in 1947 33 monks died during arrest or in prison. The monastery was devastated. A remainder of monks under Jean-Marie Struyven was able to hold onto another place until 1954.

Superiors, priors and abbots

  • Ephrem Seignol (1883-1886)
  • Bernard Favre (1886–1900, first abbot from 1891)
  • Maur Weychard (1900-1919)
  • Albéric Atche (1919–1921)
  • Louis Brun (1921-1941)
  • Alexis Baillon (1941-1949)
  • Michel Shu (1946–1947)
  • Jean Marie Struyven (1947–1951)
  • Benoît Wang (1951–)



  • Gerolamo Fazzini, Il libro rosso dei martiri cinesi. Testimonianze e resoconti autobiografici , Milan, Paoline, 2006.
    • Le livre rouge des martyrs chinois , Paris, Salvator, 2007.
    • The Red Book of Chinese Martyrs , San Francisco, Ignatius Press, 2009.
  • Irénée Henriot and Joseph Dong, Les Martyrs de N.-D. de Consolation et de N.-D. de Liesse , Vitorchiano 2006 (Témoins Cisterciens de notre temps, 30 pages).
  • Giovanni Hoyois, Un moine d'aujourd'hui, le Père Jean-Marie Bernard Struyven Cistercien, 1897–1959 , Brest 1961.
  • Thomas Merton , The Waters of Siloe , New York, Harcourt, 1949.
  • Theresa Marie Moreau, Blood of the Martyrs. Trappist Monks in Communist China , Los Angeles, Veritas Est Libertas, 2012.
  • Paolino Beltrame Quattrochi, Monaci nella Tormenta. La Passio dei monaci trappisti de Yan-Kia-Ping e di Liesse testimoni della fede nella Cina di Mao-Tze-Tung. Moines in the tourmente. Monks in the blizzard , Cîteaux 1991 (Cîteaux - Commentarii Cisterciensis. Textes et documents 3, collective publication in Italian, French, English).
  • RG Tiedemann, Reference Guide to Christian Missionary Societies in China from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Centuries , London / New York, Sharpe, 2009 (p. 25).

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