Quernheim Abbey

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St. Marien zu Quernheim
Memorial plaque for the colleges

Quernheim Monastery was a convent of the Augustinian women and later a free worldly women's monastery in Kirchlengern - Quernheim Monastery ( Herford district ). The St. Marien monastery church is now part of the Evangelical Lutheran parish of Quernheim Abbey.


The Augustinian convent in Quernheim was probably founded around 1147 by the Lords of Quernheim , a family of ministers from the Herford Imperial Abbey , on their own. The initiative for the foundation on the eastern edge of the Osnabrück diocese went back to Bishop Philipp von Katzenelnbogen . The first documentary mention was made in 1153. (Document 12 StaM) The monastery subsequently succeeded in building up a considerable manor, which the village of monastery farmers still attests to today . When the diocese of Minden succeeded in bringing the bailiwick of the monastery under its influence, it was legally subordinated to the diocese in 1520. After 1532 the Reformation was introduced and the monastery was transferred to a noble women's monastery, which continued to be under the jurisdiction of Minden; Minden gave the monastery a constitution in 1577. Between 1548 and 1555 the church was given its present form. In 1810 the pen was abolished.

The Romanesque monastery church building from the 12th century still exists in the core in the south transept , the choir and the south wall of the nave . The groin vaults of the original two-bay Romanesque basilica have also been preserved. The west tower, which was originally integrated into side aisles, replaced a west building that was laid down in the 13th century. In the corner between the choir and the south transept, the so-called Miss Choir was built in the 14th century with a crypt in the basement. In addition, both side aisles and the north transverse arm were laid down as part of the late Gothic renovation from 1548. Then the south wall of the central nave was closed and the north wall completely rebuilt. It was pushed out to finish with the choir approach. The late Gothic carved altar was built in a workshop in Osnabrück around 1520.


  • Christine Homeot, Dietmar Sauermann , Joachim Schepers: Death inventories of the Quernheim Abbey (1525 to 1808). A source-critical investigation into diffusion research . 1982 ( full text as PDF )
  • Uwe Lobbedey: The Romanesque collegiate church in Quernheim (Herford district). In: Westphalia. 50, 1972, pp. 200-209.
  • Roland Pieper : Historical monasteries in Westphalia-Lippe. Ardey-Verlag, Münster 2003, ISBN 3-87023-244-7 ( Kulturlandschaft Westfalen 7).
  • Erich Scheiding: Church - monastery - monastery . Quernheim, Kirchlengern 2008.
  • Wolfgang Schuler: The church in Abbey Quernheim ( large architectural monuments , issue 336). Munich / Berlin 1981.

Web links

Commons : Stiftskirche (Stift Quernheim)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 52 ° 14'25.8 "  N , 8 ° 37'43.4"  E