Santa Maria Incoronata Monastery

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Cistercian Abbey of Santa Maria Incoronata
location ItalyItaly Italy
region of Apulia
province of Foggia
Coordinates: 41 ° 22 '53.2 "  N , 15 ° 38' 26.1"  E Coordinates: 41 ° 22 '53.2 "  N , 15 ° 38' 26.1"  E
Serial number
according to Janauschek
Patronage St. Mary
founding year 1232
Year of dissolution /
Mother monastery Ferraria Monastery
Primary Abbey Clairvaux Monastery

Daughter monasteries


Santa Maria Incoronata Monastery was a Cistercian abbey in Puglia , Italy . It was about 13 km southeast of the city of Foggia in the province of the same name and near the river Cervaro , which was navigable in ancient times , formerly in a large oak forest, a hunting area of Frederick II.


According to legend, the foundation of a monastery is traced back to an apparition of Mary with a coronation by angels and the discovery of an image of Mary in the 11th century. As a result, a small church was first built, which was soon expanded into a larger sanctuary. A convent is reported as early as 1066. In 1232 Pope Gregory IX left. this convent to the Cistercian order. The monks who originally came from the monastery of Ferraria from the abandoned monastery of Santo Spirito della Valle in the diocese of Taranto moved into it . The monastery thus belonged to the filiation of the Clairvaux Primary Abbey . The first abbot of the monastery was punished for not attending the following general chapters. In the following period, the monastery, which was enlarged in the 16th century, fell into Kommende . In 1808 the goods were confiscated from the state. A district of Foggia developed near the monastery. In 1950 the sanctuary was entrusted to the Figli della Divina Provvidenza di D. Orione, who demolished the church and monastery and replaced them with a new complex (the church in 1965).

Plant and buildings

The modern facility from the 20th century stands on the site of the monastery. The church Basilica della Beata Maria Vergine Madre di Dio Incoronata received the title of minor basilica .


  • Balduino Gustavo Bedini, Breve prospetto delle Abazie Cistercensi d'Italia , oO. (Casamari), 1964, p. 131, without ISBN.

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