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Cervaro (Italy)
Country Italy
region Lazio
province Frosinone  (FR)
Coordinates 41 ° 29 '  N , 13 ° 54'  E Coordinates: 41 ° 28 '52 "  N , 13 ° 54' 20"  E
height 250  m slm
surface 39 km²
Residents 8,107 (Dec. 31, 2019)
Population density 208 inhabitants / km²
Post Code 03044
prefix 0776
ISTAT number 060026
Popular name Cervaresi
Patron saint Maria SS. De Piternis
Website Cervaro

Cervaro is an Italian city ​​in the province of Frosinone in the Lazio region with 8,107 inhabitants (as of December 31, 2019). It is located 138 km southeast of Rome and 60 km southeast of Frosinone .


Cervaro lies in the Cassino plain below Monte Corno. It is a member of the Comunità Montana Valle del Liri .

The districts are: Isola Tocca, Pastenelle and Santa Lucia

The neighboring towns are Cassino, San Vittore del Lazio , Sant'Elia Fiumerapido , Vallerotonda and Viticuso .


In 717 Pope Gregory II (669-731) transferred the area around the old Roman city of Cassino to the Montecassino Abbey . Thereupon Abbot Petronax (717-747) had a fortification built with the name Castrum Cerbarii , which was called a Capo Castello , ie main castle. As part of the Terra di San Benedetto , the developing settlement remained in the possession of the abbey until 1811 and was then incorporated directly into the Kingdom of Naples . In the spring of 1944, Cervaro was destroyed in the course of the fighting over the Gustav Line and then rebuilt. The place was not affected by a wave of emigration, because the population increased by more than 50 percent from 1901.


  • To the north-east of the town center is the pilgrimage sanctuary of S. Maria de Piternis , which was built in 1408 because of an apparition of Mary and is the target of noticeable religious veneration. The name is probably derived from the phrase in sempiternis gratis , which means in perpetual favor , which was promised to the believers. After the damage of the Second World War, it reopened on September 7, 1970. The magnificent three-aisled interior contains the miraculous image of the enthroned Madonna with the blessing Child Jesus in the first left chapel within a round arch niche, which is enclosed by a drapery with a royal crown, which is held by two angels. Some frescoes show six saints on the inner wall and on the rear wall of the apse in two registers, one above the other, eight figures of saints, one of which is completely destroyed and a second half destroyed, and above, Christ in the mandorla between angels and Saints Peter and Paul. Floral decorations can be found in the barrel vault together with vedute and putti.
  • In the central Piazza Casaburi, next to the town hall, there is the church of S. Maria de Piternis, which bears the same name as the pilgrimage shrine. It is designed in the classical style of the 19th century, which is shown in the facade.
  • In the same place is the Palazzo Castaldi from the late 19th century. Its facade is defined by three differently designed round arch portals on the ground floor and a central window in the shape of a door, reminiscent of Palladian models in Veneto , with pilasters and columns with an upper Serliana arch .
  • The religious center of Cervaro is the parish church of S. Maria Maggiore at the end of Via Cervo. It has a facade with a two-flight staircase, a stone wall below with a rectangular portal containing the building inscription and an angel's protome, and an upper level with a heart-shaped window inserted in the middle under a large Serliana gable. There is a side portal on the left long wall. The bell tower with two upper floors as a bell house stands on the slope of the hill with the early medieval name Pesculum , on which the Castellum Cerbarii was located. In the year 757 the abdicated Longobard king Ratchis is said to have lived here for a short time.
  • To the southwest, outside the city center, on the elongated Monte Trocchio, are the ruins of the Castello Torrocolo, which is mentioned in a document from Pope Viktor II (1055-1057) with the name turruculum as the property of the Montecassino Abbey. Until 1601 there was a small community of its own here, which at that time affiliated to Cervaro because of a plague epidemi. Nowadays, remains of the surrounding wall with a pincer gate and a keep , walls of several inner buildings and a church as well as a cistern can be seen.

Population development

year 1861 1881 1901 1921 1936 1951 1971 1991 2001 2017
Residents 4,378 4,445 5,330 6.168 6,502 6,654 4,780 6,680 7,022 8104

Source: ISTAT


Angelo D'Aliesio (list of citizens) was elected mayor for the first time in May 2012 and was confirmed in office on June 11, 2017.


In June, the town center is the scene of an infiorata, the decorating of streets and squares with a carpet of flowers.


  • Cervaro. Un paese tra storia e leggenda , Cassino 2004.
  • Luciano Coletta: Cervaro dalle origini al secolo 13. (con appendici sul dialetto cervarese, sull'arte nelle chiese di Cervaro, sulle lapidi esistenti nel Comune) , Frosinone 1980.
  • Alceo Morone: Il castello di Torrocolo (Cervaro - Frosinone) , in: Quaderni del Museo Civico Pontecorvo 1, 1979, pp. 42-51.
  • Angelo Pantoni: Santuario diocesano Maria SS.ma de 'Piternis, Cervaro (FR). Notes storiche , Cervaro 1996.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Statistiche demografiche ISTAT. Monthly population statistics of the Istituto Nazionale di Statistica , as of December 31 of 2019.