Kneipp Worldwide

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Kneipp Worldwide is the international association of the Kneipp movement based in Bad Wörishofen in Bavaria. The association was founded in Lindau in 1962 and has around 200,000 members.


The umbrella organization consists of the Kneipp associations of Germany, Switzerland and other European countries as well as associations, institutions and individual members from a total of 40 countries. There are Kneipp clubs in the Netherlands, Slovenia, South Tyrol and Hungary - and individual members all over the world.


The presidency changes regularly within the Kneipp associations. The current president is Ingeborg Pongratz.


The association offers support on an international level in setting up voluntary structures within the Kneipp movement. Kneipp Worldwide coordinates measures of the affiliated institutions; Another important area of ​​work are national events such as training courses or congresses. Kneipp Worldwide promotes the exchange of experiences about Kneipp natural healing methods and health- promoting projects, especially with children and young people all over the world.

International Kneipp action days

The association has been organizing action days on a regular basis since 2001 . These days of action were called the Kneippiade up to and including 2009. For the first time, the 2011 action day is called the International Kneipp Day of Action. The aim of the action days is to bring the international Kneipp movement together to celebrate the Kneipp health idea in a sociable atmosphere.

Kneippiade 2001

“Crossing borders together” was the motto of the first Kneippiade in 2001 in Bad Wörishofen . The first Kneippiad began on May 24th and lasted through May 26th. Hundreds of participants from different countries took part.

Kneippiade 2003

The title of this Kneippiad was: “Come - see - join in”. The events from May 29th to June 1st, 2003 drew hundreds of participants to Bad Wörishofen. The program was supplemented by a health show, a rally, a fitness dance evening and a workshop in jazz dance.

Kneippiad 2005

The third Kneippiade took place on May 6th and 7th, 2005 again in Bad Wörishofen. The quote from Sebastian Kneipp “There is salvation in water” served as the motto of the events. This time, workshops with sports such as rope skipping and a discussion forum on "Kneipp on the way to modernity" complemented the program.

Kneippiad 2007

In 2005, Kneipp Worldwide announced a competition for the first time to determine the location of the next Kneippiade in 2007. The Kneipp-Bund Landesverband Mecklenburg-Vorpommern won the contract and organized the Kneippiade 2007 in Göhren (Rügen) in spring 2007. Under the motto "Kneipp with me - I'll show you", the focus was primarily on attractions for the younger generations. A successful children's camp and a health fair enriched the program.

Kneippiade 2008

The Kneippiade 2008 took place from May 1st to 4th in Thun , Switzerland. The reason for the appointment already one year after the previous Kneippiade was the 75th anniversary of the Swiss Kneipp Association. The organizers transformed the whole of Thun and the surrounding area into a single theme park with numerous courses around the topic of Kneipp and thus attracted around 4,000 visitors from Germany and abroad to Thun. The highlight of the Kneippiade 2008 was treading water in Lake Thun , which was attended by 516 visitors.

Kneippiade 2009

The sixth Kneippiade in 2009 took place in Scheffau / Tyrol (Austria). The community of Scheffau am Wilden Kaiser offered a colorful and attractive program around the five Kneipp elements. Naturopathic lectures and music events rounded off the program.

International Kneipp days of action 2011

The International Kneipp Days of Action 2011 took place in Überlingen on Lake Constance . Numerous lectures, exhibitions and exercise offers formed an extensive Kneipp action program. The highlight of the program was the successful world record attempt in treading water with 1324 participants on the shores of Lake Constance (Westbad). In addition, Kneipp Worldwide and five other associations presented five joint theses on health policy to the public as part of the 2011 International Kneipp Action Days.

International Kneipp days of action 2013

From May 9 to 11, 2013, Maribor , Slovenia , was the venue for the International Kneipp Action Days 2013. In addition to numerous health lectures, the Kneipp Day in the park and hiking in the Bacher Mountains were highlights of the Kneipp Action Days.

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