Knud Henriksson

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Knud Henriksson (Danish: Knud Henriksen) († March 12, 1162 ) was a Danish duke.


His parents were the Danish prince Henrik Skadelår and his wife Ingrid Ragnvaldsdatter , daughter of the Swedish king Ragnvald . When the great throne controversy broke out in 1146, he joined Knut Magnusson and was appointed by him as Duke of Sønderjylland , but lost the rule to Waldemar , who later became King Waldemar the Great. King Sven Eriksen Grate had awarded this rule to him. Shortly before his sole rule in 1157, Waldemar made his former enemy duke over Jylland and also honored his brother Buris, although he did not fully trust him.

In the necrology of Løgum Monastery (in Abild Sogn ), the day of his death is given as March 12th. Since Buris describes himself as a duke in the letter of foundation for the Tvis monastery of March 1263 and mentions the sudden death of his brother, Knud must have died on March 12 of the previous year, i.e. 1262.
