Koford prairie mouse

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Koford prairie mouse
Family : Burrowers (Cricetidae)
Subfamily : Sigmodontinae
Tribe : Akodontini
Genre : South American field mice ( Akodon )
Type : Koford prairie mouse
Scientific name
Akodon kofordi
Myers & Patton , 1989

The Koford grassland mouse ( Akodon kofordi ) is a little researched rodent species from the genus of the South American field mice ( Akodon ). It was discovered in 1985 by James L. Patton and scientifically described in 1989 . The type epithet honors Carl B. Koford for his services to the study of the Peruvian mammal fauna.


The average head-trunk length is 96 mm, the tail length 78 mm, the ear length 15 mm and the hind foot length 22.5 mm. No specific data are available on weight. The fur is one color, dark olive-brown. The tail is monochrome or faintly two-colored. The hind feet are covered with banded hair. The karyotype is 2n = 40, FN = 40.


The distribution area extends from the catchment areas between the districts of Marcapata and Limbani on the eastern slopes of the Andes in the regions of Cusco and Puno in southern Peru to the south to the Cochabamba department in central Bolivia .

Habitat and way of life

The Koford grassland mouse inhabits elven forests and the puna vegetation at altitudes between 1800 and 3700 m. It occurs in moist tussock grass, in anthropogenically disturbed bushland areas, in alder forests, in cloud forests and in Polylepis forests. No information is available about their way of life.


The Koford grassland mouse is classified by the IUCN in the “ Least Concern” category. Although it is known from only a few places and there are rarely any records of this species, there does not appear to be any major threats at present. It could be more widespread than is currently known. In Bolivia it occurs in several protected areas. Further studies on the way of life and distribution of this species are required, particularly with regard to their relationship to other species of South American field mice.


  • Philip Myers, James L. Patton: A new species of Akodon from the cloud forests of Eastern Cochabamba Department, Bolivia (Rodentia: Sigmodontinae). Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 720, 1989.
  • James L. Patton: Akodon kofordi Myers & Patton, 1989 In: James L. Patton, Ulyses FJ Pardinas, Guillermo D'Elía (Eds.): Mammals of South America, Volume 2 - Rodents. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago 2015; Pp. 172-173, ISBN 978-0-226-16957-6 .
  • Ulyses FJ Pardiñas , Dennisse Ruelas, Jorge Brito, Lisa Bradley, Robert Bradley, Nicté Ordóñez Garza, Boris Kryštufek , Joseph Cook, Erika Cuéllar Soto, Jorge Salazar-Bravo, Gregory Shenbrot, Elisandra Chiquito, Alexandre Percequillo, Joyce Prado, Rudolf Jim Patton , Livia León-Paniagua: Family Cricetidae (True Hamsters, Voles, Lemmings and New World Rats and Mice) In: Handbook of the Mammals of the World. Volume 7: Rodents II, Lynx Edicions, Barcelona 2017, ISBN 978-84-16728-04-6 , pp. 476-477

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