Kohnen station

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Coordinates: 75 ° 0 ′  S , 0 ° 4 ′  E

Relief Map: Antarctica
Kohnen station
Kohnen station

The Kohnen station is a German polar research station in the Antarctic . It is a summer station that accommodates up to 20 residents. It is named after the geophysicist Heinz Kohnen , who was head of the logistics department of the Alfred Wegener Institute for a long time .

The station was built in 2001 in Queen Maud Land from the containers of the former Filchner station , which had to be salvaged in 1999. It is located at 75 ° 00 ′ S, 0 ° 04 ′ E at an altitude of 2,892 meters, about 757 km southeast of Neumayer Station II .

The Kohnen station serves as the logistical base for the ice drilling in Queen Maud Land of the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica ( EPICA ). It is a European deep ice drilling project to reconstruct the climate of the Atlantic sector of Antarctica over the past hundreds of thousands of years. In 2019, interstellar iron from a star explosion was discovered by Munich researchers in Antarctica near the Kohnen station.

Web links

Commons : Kohnen-Station  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. D. Koll, al. et .: Interstellar 60Fe in Antarctica . In: Physical Review Letters . 2019. doi : 10.1103 / PhysRevLett.123.072701 .