Comparison in the Spanish language

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Komparation , comparación also gradation , gradación in the German language is also named as an increase in Linguistics and Spanish grammar the picture of "comparative structures" in the speech of adjectives , adjetivos and (some) adverbs , adverbios . Forms of increase are mainly used when comparing something with each other.

Nouns are characterized by their thinginess and, from a cognitive point of view, by their time stability. Verbs, on the other hand, promise more or less volatile actions and processes, i.e. processes. Adjectives give expression to properties in language. Properties are relatively static and are on the time stability scale between things that are stable over time and volatile processes. Properties can be ascribed to both things and processes , but with three different syntactic consequences.

In its verbalization, the comparative characterizes the difference, such as “more”, “higher”, “further”, “smaller”, “closer” between two or more perceived objects . Such differences can be expressed in three expressions:

  • qualitative statement : Está lloviendo hoy. It's raining today.
  • comparative statement: Está lloviendo hoy más que ayer. It's raining more today than yesterday.
  • quantitative statement: Está lloviendo hoy 400 milímetros / hora. It is raining 400 mm / h today.

Quantitative statements require the construction of a system of some form of units of measurement for a particular area to be considered or promised. It is the measuring scales or so-called "metrics" that are applied to the objects perceived. Scientific language, lenguaje científico o lenguaje de la ciencia often expresses itself "comparatively". In the transition from a qualitative to a comparative and further to a quantitative statement, the degree of abstractness increases further and further. Because the more complex the subject area, i.e. the perceived objects in a science, the more difficult it is to grasp the subject area precisely quantitatively.

Comparison and comparison forms in Spanish

In Spanish, the increase occurs not only through morphemes , but is also represented through syntactic structures. For example, the absolute superlative, superlativo absoluto, can be expressed through the morphemes "-ísimo / -érrimo" and other prefixes, as well as through the use of adverbs. - example:

altísimo, paupérrimo Suffixe
superelástico, hipermercado Präfixe
muy feo Syntaktisch

As a comparative forms of the adjective or adverb, comparación del adjetivo o adverbio addition to the basic forms the so-called positive positivo there are three expressions of Komparation in Spanish:

  • the comparative, comparativo ,
  • the superlative, superlativo and
  • the elativ, elativo .

Comparative, superlative and elative are used in Spanish to describe equality and inequality. While the comparative looks at things from the perspective of their qualitative or quantitative " superiority , inferiority", comparativo de superioridad o sea inferioridad or "equality", comparativo de igualdad , the superlative describes the "superiority, inferiority" in relation to a or several other objects.

  • comparativo de superioridad: más ... que . - example:
Juana es más hábil que Amanda.
  • comparativo de inferioridad: menos ... que . - example:
Juana es menos hábil que Amanda.
  • comparativo de igualdad: tan ... como , igual de plus adjetivo plus que . - example:
Juana es igual de hábil que Amanda.
Juana es tan hábil como Amanda.
Compraremos tantas botellas de aire comprimido como necesitemos.

With the Spanish adjective

The Spanish adjective, adjetivo one of the forms of words which flexes are. In its grammatical category , it is determined by the categories gender and number , it relates functionally to a noun and is congruent with this. Syntactically , the adjectives can be used in different positions in a sentence:

  • predicative, adjetivos predicativos ;
  • adverbial, adjetivos adverbiales ;
  • attributive, adjetivos atributivos .

From this it can be deduced that the increments of the adjective are used according to the attributive, predicative and adverbial.

The regular increments of adjectives can be formed as follows:

positivo comparativo de igualdad comparativo de superioridad e inferioridad superlativo elativo
cuidado, -a tan / tanta cuidado, -a más cuidada, -a el / la cuidado, -a cuidadisimo
difícil tan / tanta difícil menos difícil el / la menor difícil dificilísimo

In the case of comparison, the intensification in the narrower sense, some of the adjectives are formed differently, they have a special comparative form. There is a suppletion . - Examples:

positivo comparativo de igualdad comparativo de superioridad e inferioridad superlativo elativo
mucho, -a tanto, -a más - -
poco, -a tan / tanta poco, -a menos - -
bueno, -a tan / tanta bueno, -a mejor el / la mejor óptimo, -a
malo, -a tan / tanta malo, -a peor el / la peor pésimo, -a
grande tan / tanta grande mayor / más grande el / la mayor; el / la más grande máximo, -a
pequeño, -a tan / tanta pequeño, -a menor / más pequeño, -a el / la menor; el / la más pequeño, -a minimo, -a
alto, -a tan / tanta alto, -a superior a el / la superior supremo, -a
bajo, -a tan / tanta bajo, -a inferior a el / la inferior ínfimo, -a

Equality comparativo de igualdad

The "equality", comparativo de igualdad finds its expression in formulations such as:

  • tan / tanta plus adjetivo plus como as well as plus adjective plus as
  • tanto / tanta como as much as
  • tanto, -a (s) plus sustantivo plus como as many nouns as

When considering "equality", emphasis is placed on exact, exact equality:

  • igual de plus adjetivo plus que just like plus adjective plus like - examples:
No tengo tanta paciencia como mi tia. Nicht ich habe soviel Geduld wie meine Tante.

Comparativo de superioridad e inferioridad

A " superiority or inferiority", comparativo de superioridad e inferioridad

  • más plus adjetivo plus que more ... than
  • más de plus número over plus number
  • menos plus adjetivo plus que less ... than
  • menos de plus número not whole plus number
  • no más de plus número at most plus number
  • no más que plus número only plus number or exactly plus number


  • bueno, -a - el / la mejor good - best
  • malo, -a - el / la peor bad - worst
  • grande, -a - el / la mayor big - biggest
  • pequeño, -a - el / la menor small - the smallest
  • mucho, -a - el / la más much - most
  • poco, -a - el / la menos little - least

In the Spanish adverb

The Spanish adverb, adverbio, has almost no inflection at all, the main nominal categories of gender and number are missing. Derived adverbs are an exception, as they can be graduated. There is no such thing as a simple superlative, a relative clause stands for this . The following levels of progression are possible for adverbs:

  • positive with tan ... como or igual de ... que as well as ... like
  • comparative with más que more than or menos que less than
  • absolute superlative with the suffix -ísimo or, if the ending -mente is present, with the suffix -ísimamente .
positivo comparativo de igualdad comparativo de superioridad e inferioridad superlativo elativo
lentaments tan / tanta lentamente más lentamente el / la lentamente -
cuidadosamente tan / tanta cuidadosamente más cuidadosamente el / la cuidadosamente -
alegremente tan / tanta alegremente menos alegremente el / la menor alegremente -
positivo comparativo de igualdad comparativo de superioridad e inferioridad superlativo elativo
muy tan más lo más posible muchísimo
mucho tanto más lo más posible muchísimo
poco tan poco menos lo menos posible mínimamente
bien tan bien mejor lo mejor posible óptimamente
times tan times peor lo peor posible pésimamente
rápidamente tan rápidamente más rápidamente lo más rápidamente posible rapidísimamente
a tiempo tan a tiempo más a tiempo lo más a tiempo posible puntualísimamente
tarde tan tarde más tarde lo más tarde posible tardísimo

Enhancement Particles

The comparison, comparación , is rendered linguistically in Spanish by placing so-called increase particles, expressed partícula de comparación , such as fuerte , más fuerte , el más fuerte . When considering the facts about the partícula de comparación , the distinction between “unequal vs. same things ", then the types of words used and their syntax are important, so that the following forms of" unequal things "can be distinguished:

  • Comparison of “unequal things” using adjectives, adverbs or nouns (comparative higher or lower degree);
    • Sentence structure: más / menos plus adjetivo / adverbio / sustantivo plus que . - example:
Fantastistán es el cuarto país más ignorante del mundo. Fantastistan ist das viert ungebildetste Land der Welt.
  • Comparison of “unequal things” by means of verbs;
    • Sentence structure: verbo plus más / menos plus que . - example:
Mis hermanos mayores durmieron más que yo. Meine älteren Brüder schliefen mehr als ich.

Something similar also arises when considering "the same things" (comparative of the same degree):

  • Same things using adjectives or adverbs;
    • Sentence structure: tan plus adjetivo / adverbio plus como. - example:
La película es tan poco interesante como el libro. Der Kinofilm ist genauso wenig interessant wie das Buch.
  • Same things using nouns;
    • Sentence structure: tanto, -a (s) plus sustantivo plus como. - example:
Hice tantos pranayamas como mi maestra de yoga. Ich machte genauso viele Pranayamas wie meine Yogameisterin.
  • Same things by means of verbs;
    • Sentence structure: verbo plus tanto como. - example:
Juana come tanto como tú. Juana sie isst genauso viel wie du.

The most important comparative connectors are the conjunctions, conjunciones comparativas, which lead to the comparative clauses in Spanish .

The following structures are available for the superlative, superlativo : The last part of the sentence is formed by a noun (relative superlative for adjectives);

  • Sentence structure: articulo plus sustantivo plus más / menos plus adjetivo plus de plus sustantivo. - example:
Paula es la pintora más famosa de los países europeos. Paula ist die Malerin berühmteste der europäischen Länder.

The last part of the sentence is formed by a verb or sub-clause;

  • Sentence structure: articulo plus sustantivo plus más / menos plus adjetivo plus de plus verbo o parte de la oración. - example:
Es el concierto menos interesante que Juana ha escuchado. Das ist das wenig interessanteste Konzert, das Juana jemals hat zugehört.


  • Helmut Jachnow, Boris Norman, Adam E. Suprun (eds.): Quantity and grading as cognitive-semantic categories. (= Slavic study books. Volume 12). Otto Harrassowitz Verlag, Wiesbaden 2001, ISBN 3-447-04408-X .

Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Claudia Moriena, Karen Genschow: Great learning grammar Spanish: rules, examples of use, tests; [Level A1 - C1]. Hueber Verlag, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-19-104145-8 , pp. 110–128.
  2. see also numerals in the Spanish language
  3. The increase of the adjective - La gradación del adjetivo;
  4. ^ The intensification of the adverb - La gradación del adverbio;
  5. ^ The intensification of the adverb - La gradación del adverbio;
  6. Positive (from Latin ponere "to set")
  7. Comparative (from Latin comparare "to compare")
  8. Superlative (v. Latin super "over" and ferre "carry")
  9. Elative (v. Latin elatum "emphasized" or efferre "emphasize")
  10. modified from Wolfgang Halm: Modern Spanish short grammar. Max Hueber, Munich 1987, ISBN 3-19-004020-6 , p. 142 f.
  11. The increase of the adjective - La gradación del adjetivo;
  12. modified from Wolfgang Halm: Modern Spanish short grammar. Max Hueber, Munich 1987, ISBN 3-19-004020-6 , p. 142 f.
  13. The increase of the adjective - La gradación del adjetivo;
  14. Satzwertige infinitive, and participial Gerundial-. Sentence equivalents and abbreviations of subordinate clauses. Justo Fernández López, ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /