Confederation of Revolutionary Workers' Unions of Turkey

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Türkiye Devrimci İşçi Sendikaları Konfederasyonu
DISK Logo.svg
purpose labor union
Chair: Suleyman Çelebi
Establishment date: February 13, 1967
Members 407,000
Seat : Istanbul

The Confederation of Revolutionary Workers' Unions of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Devrimci İşçi Sendikaları Konfederasyonu , DİSK) is one of four alliances of trade unions in Turkey . It was officially founded on February 13, 1967 by trade unions that had separated from the Confederation of Labor Unions of Turkey ( Türk-İş ). The left-wing DISK has 350,000 members.

DISK is a member of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC). In the membership list of the IGB, membership is given as 30,000 (as of November 2017).

Development up to the 1980 coup

In 1967, five unions that had split from the TÜRK-İŞ founded the DİSK. These were the following unions: "Turkey Miners Union", "Food Union", "Turkey Metal Workers Union", "Press Workers Union" and "Turkey Rubber Workers Union". DİSK has always been a serious competitor and a real alternative to the Türk-İş. All founding members of DİSK were also members of the (socialist) workers' party of Turkey ( Türkiye İşçi Partisi , TİP). DİSK rejected the US trade union system and sought a mass movement in the sense of class struggle .

At the first general assembly of DİSK in Istanbul on June 15, 1967, resolutions such as "War on Hunger" were passed. Six unions joined the DİSK and increased the membership to 65,730. During the actions from 15. – 16. In June 1970, under the leadership of DISK, masses of workers took to the streets against the restriction of trade union rights. Three workers and one policeman were killed in police operations and 162 workers were arrested. The legal provision against which the action was directed was repealed by the Constitutional Court.

After the takeover of the military , whose reign lasted from 1971 to 1973, DISK trade unionists were arrested temporarily. Other unions joined DİSK, so that in 1973 their number had risen to 270,000 members.

The political-ideological disputes in DİSK escalated in the 1977 general assembly. There, the previous Marxist- oriented leadership group was rejected. The new board, under the leadership of the “Union of Urban Workers” (Genel-İş), which is a partner of the ÖTV and a member of the International of Public Services, represented the line of the CHP- oriented unions until its suspension in 1980.

In the second half of the 1970s, DİSK members were the target of attacks. The attack on the May 1st rally in 1977 in Istanbul's Taksim Square , in which 36 participants were killed, was particularly bloody . The circumstances could not be clarified until today. On July 22, 1980, former DİSK chairman Kemal Türkler was shot in front of his house.

The 1980 coup and the aftermath

This was followed by the coup on September 12, 1980 with the ban on DİSK and a show trial. 1,477 DİSK members were charged, and the military prosecutor applied for the death penalty against 78 of them . The trial in the Istanbul Military Court ended on December 24, 1986. The court sentenced 264 trade unionists and experts to terms ranging from 5.5 years to 15 years and 8 months in prison. In 1991 the trial ended with an acquittal by the Military Court of Cassation . After an extraordinary congress in December 1991 DİSK was able to resume its work.

According to information from 1997, DİSK had 300,000 members and was organized in 26 branches of industry. Birleşik Metal-İş (metal processing industry), Genel-İş (general services) and Oleyis (hotel, catering) are the unions with the largest number of members in the federal government. DİSK has 11 regional agencies, including one in Belgium . The umbrella organization is based in Istanbul.

The following unions belong to DİSK:

Turkish name sector Chair
Gida-İş food Celal Ovat
Basin-İş Press Ertuğrul Bilir
Birleşik Metal-İş metal Adnan Serdaroğlu
Dev Maden-Sen miners Çetin Uygur
Dev Sağlik-İş health Arzu Çerkezoğlu
Devrimci Yapı-İş construction Dursun Açıkbaş
Emekli-Sen pensioner Veli Beysülen
Bank Sen Banks Önder Atay
Cam ceramic İş Glass-ceramic Mehmet Turp
Tümka-İş paper Kemal Yılmaz
Lastik-İş Oil, chemicals, tires Abdullah Karacan
Limter-İş Shipyard workers Kamber Saygılı
Nakliyat-İş transport Ali Rıza Küçükosmanoğlu
Sine-Sen Movie Zafer Ayden
Sosyal-İş Social Metin Ebetürk
Tekstil-İş textiles Rıdvan Budak
Genel-İş general Services Erol Ekici

See also

Individual evidence

  1. DİSK Official Website ( Memento of April 10, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ^ Trade unions and interest groups , Center for Applied Political Research at LMU Munich
  3. List of the national member associations of the ETUC , accessed on November 28, 2018
  4. IGB Membership List , accessed on May 23, 2018
  5. Brief outline of the labor disputes in Turkey at; Accessed April 22, 2011
  6. ^ A b Trade unions in Turkey, historical development, organizational structures and legal framework (PDF; 2.2 MB), Oya Baydar, published by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Istanbul, Istanbul, July 1999; Accessed April 24, 2011; Link updated on September 20, 2012.
  7. a b DISK (part of “Trade unions in Turkey”) ; Project of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation; Filiz Aslan, Oya Baydar (ed.). - 2nd rev. ed., electronic edition - Istanbul, 1998. - approx. 300 pages; Accessed April 24, 2011
  8. a b c d e Istanbul Post of February 20, 2007 ; Accessed April 22, 2011
  9. a b c Harun Gümrükçü trade unions in Turkey (PDF; 153 kB) published in 1982 in trade union monthly issues ; Harun Gümrükçü, b. 1950 in Trabzon / Turkey is an economist and political scientist; Accessed April 24, 2011
  10. İşçi sınıfı tarihi için bir başlangıç ( Memento from April 10, 2011 in the Internet Archive ), History of DİSK (Turkish); Accessed April 24, 2011
  11. List according to the official website of DİSK ( Memento of April 13, 2011 in the Internet Archive ); Accessed April 24, 2011