Conrad II (Cammin)

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Konrad II (* unknown; † end of 1233 ) was a bishop of Cammin .


After the death of Bishop Sigwin , Konrad was elected the new bishop in 1219 and confirmed by the Pope in 1220. The title "Bishop of Pomerania" was mentioned for the last time in a document in 1219, and since then the Pomeranian bishops have held the title "Bishop of Cammin".

During his tenure he had to oppose the efforts of the Archdiocese of Magdeburg to make the Diocese of Cammin a suffragan diocese of Magdeburg. So he stayed in Magdeburg on September 22, 1225 to take part in discussions with the papal legate, Cardinal Bishop Konrad von Porto and St. Rufinae, and other bishops. It is true that in 1228 Bishop Konrad II and the Camminer cathedral chapter were held by Pope Gregory IX. asked to submit to the Magdeburg Archbishopric, but the Archbishopric of Magdeburg dropped its claims after the death of Archbishop Albrecht II in 1232.

It is uncertain whether Konrad was a son of Wartislaw Swantiboricz († 1196) and thus a member of the Swantiborids , a branch of the Greifenhaus ruling house in Pomerania . The historian Robert Klempin (1816–1874) accepted this, and Theodor Pyl (1826–1904) followed him in it; the historian Martin Wehrmann (1861–1937), however, described this assumption as "highly dubious".

It is not certain whether Bishop Konrad is identical with a provost named in 1208, 1214 and 1216.



  1. PUB BI, p. 140
  2. ^ Klaus Conrad (arrangement): Pommersches Urkundenbuch . Volume 1. 2nd edition (= publications of the Historical Commission for Pomerania. Series 2, Vol. 1). Böhlau Verlag, Cologne / Vienna 1970, No. 245.
  3. ^ Theodor PylJaczo I. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 13, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1881, pp. 633-636.
  4. ^ A b Martin Wehrmann : Genealogy of the Pomeranian ducal house. Leon Sauniers Buchhandlung Verlag, Stettin 1937, p. 133.
predecessor Office successor
Sigwin Bishop of Cammin
Conrad III. from Salzwedel