Konrad Schubert (physicist)

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Konrad Schubert (born July 4, 1915 in Mannheim ; † March 19, 1992 ) was a German physicist in the field of metal research . He devoted himself to the research of crystal structures with the help of X-ray structure analysis and of metallic bond states .


Konrad Schubert grew up in a family of academics in Essen and graduated from high school there. He studied physics at the University of Danzig and the Technical University of Stuttgart . Schubert was drafted into military service in World War II . After his return due to an injury, he embarked on a scientific career and in 1944 obtained a doctorate at the Technical University of Stuttgart in cooperation with the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Metal Research . His dissertation was supervised by Werner Köster , the director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Metal Research. In 1956 he completed his habilitation at the Technical University of Stuttgart and became group leader at the Max Planck Institute. In 1957 he worked as a visiting professor at the University of Philadelphia. From 1962 until his retirement in 1980 he was an adjunct professor for crystal structure at the Max Planck Institute in Stuttgart.


Konrad Schubert did pioneering research into metal structures. His life's work comprises almost 300 scientific publications, including two books that have attracted attention in metal research for decades.

  • Structural investigations in the binary systems of tin with manganese, iron, cobalt and nickel. Dissertation, TH Stuttgart, 1944.
  • About some homeotype relationships between crystal structures. Stuttgart 1955 (habilitation thesis, TH Stuttgart, February 16, 1956).
  • Crystal structures of two-component phases (= pure and applied metal science in individual representations. Vol. 17). Springer, Berlin 1964.
  • Solid elements and phases with a light component (Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F): An interpretation of crystaline phases by lattice-like electron spatial correlations, contributing to an understanding of component valence and phase stability (= bonding types of two-component phases. Vol. 1 [only published volume]). Max Planck Institute for Metals Research / Institute for Materials Science, Stuttgart 1990.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Reinhard Lück: Konrad Schubert (1915–1992). In: Journal of Phase Equilibria. Vol. 13, No. 5, October 1992, ISSN  1054-9714 , p. 449, doi : 10.1007 / BF02665758 .