Konrad von Eberbach

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Konrad von Eberbach , Latin Conradus Eberbacensis (* unknown; † September 18, 1221 in Eberbach ) was an abbot and church writer. He was initially a monk in Clairvaux , became abbot of the Eberbach monastery on May 1, 1221 and died in the same year.


Conrad had been in Clairvaux since 1169 at the latest; when he came to Eberbach is unknown. It can be assumed that he wrote a large part of his Exordium Cisterciense in Clairvaux, but completed parts of it in Eberbach.

The Exordium is a book of edification that deals with the beginnings and heyday of the Cistercian order in Clairvaux. In it Konrad reports on a variety of characteristic events in the life of the monastery, including the murder of Abbot Gerhard I. The book is one of the most effective examples of the monastic example, miracle and vision literature of the Middle Ages. Other representatives of this literary genre are Caesarius von Heisterbach and Engelhard von Langheim .

In the history of Christian spirituality, the book was further distributed by the Cistercian order but also in the Dutch Devotio moderna of the 15th century.


Pour s'initier au milieu cistercien et à son esprit, il est indispensable de se familiariser avec un document de toute première valuer, l'Exordium magnum Ordinis Cisterciensis. ( Étienne Gilson )



  • Heinz Piesik: Exordium Magnum Cisterciense or report on the beginning of the Cistercian order by Conradus Eberbacensis , 2 volumes (books 1–3 and 4–6), sources and studies on Cistercian literature . Publications of the Cistercian Academy Volumes 3 and 5, Bernardus, Langwaden 2000 and 2002, ISBN 3-934551-17-3 and ISBN 3-934551-57-2 .