Konstantin Gylybow

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Konstantin Gylybow, around 1923

Konstantin Spassow Gylybow ( Bulgarian Константин Гълъбов ; born April 17, 1892 in Peruschtiza ; † December 23, 1980 in Sofia ) was a Bulgarian Germanist .


He studied German from 1911 to 1915 in Göttingen and Kiel . From 1926 to 1973 he was a professor at Sofia University.

In his work, he dealt with topics relating to the German language and literature, with a focus on German classical music . Together with S. Nikolowa-Gylybowa he published a German- Bulgarian dictionary in 1958 and a Bulgarian-German phraseological dictionary in 1968 . He also worked as a translator from German into Bulgarian.


  • The position of Fr. Schlegel and the other German Romantics on Goethe's 'Wilhelm Meister' in the light of the Ur-Meister , 1917
  • Šiler , 1947
  • German poet , 1947
  • Nemska gramatika , 1950
  • Reader on poems in the German language , 1950
  • Nemska fonetika s ogled na bŭlgarskija ezik , 1952
  • Uvod v izučavaneto na gotski, starovisokonemski, srednovisokonemski i rannonovovisokonemski , 1953
  • Istoričeska gramatika na nemski ezik , 1955
  • Lesing , 1957
  • Gote , 1961
  • Nemsko-bălgarski frazeologičen rečnik , 1958
  • Bǔlgarsko-nemski frazeologičen rečnik , 1968


Web links

Commons : Konstantin Gylybow  - collection of images, videos and audio files