Konstanze Petersmann

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Konstanze Petersmann with poetry book

Konstanze Felicitas Pauline Petersmann (born April 14, 1942 in Danzig-West Prussia ) is a German poet, author and salonnière .

life and work

Konstanze Petersmann was born as the daughter of Erwin Reddie, a businessman from Gdańsk, whose ancestors were French Protestants , and Felicitas Marie Reddie (née Bogenschneider), who came from a family of teachers and whose ancestors came from the Salzburg region. Due to the chaos of war and the resulting flight in World War II , she came to Central Germany from the Free Hanseatic City of Danzig in 1945 and grew up in the GDR.

Konstanze Petersmann graduated from the Medical School in Erfurt, received the ward nurse examination in 1969 at the Martin Luther University Clinic Halle / Saale and worked as a senior nurse in various areas. In 1983, after five years of application, she managed to leave the country with her husband, Hans – Georg Petersmann (graduate engineer), and their eight-year-old daughter from the GDR to the Federal Republic of Germany to her brother, Herold Reddie, who was a high-ranking pilot in Cologne.

1993/94/95 studies at the school for poetry wien - vienna poetry academy ; Student with Inger Christensen / Copenhagen; Christian Loidl / Vienna; Ferdinand Schmatz / Vienna. Then studied literature at the University of Hagen and psychology in Düsseldorf.

Konstanze Petersmann (2017)

Konstanze Petersmann's preferred literary work focuses on poetry, which is characterized by symbols, metaphors and a visual quality. Her words, which are etymologically fathomed, trace the great answers without ever leaving the reason for their real meaning. Christa Ebert writes: “In experiencing the moment, the flow of time appears at the same time, in the finite existence of man his participation in the infinity of the cosmic universe. The synaesthetic merging of a feeling for nature and cultural myths underlines the holistic perception of the world, which not only gives the poems their special poetic charm, but also encourages people to think about their place in the world beyond day-to-day business. " 1 Peter Gehrisch reviews:" Myth, philosophy, history and religion are reflections of their feelings, laid out in mental images, is daring poetry, because it is linked to the tradition of timeless interpretation of existence and the world. ” 2 Selected poems by the author have been translated into Polish, Italian, Serbian and French .

Since 2006 she has been reviving the almost forgotten cultural form of the literary artistic salon in "private public" and purposeless sociability. Cyrill Stoletzky comments on this: “The Düsseldorf poet Konstanze Petersmann invites intellectuals and artists to exchange ideas and organizes salon afternoons with exquisite programs ranging from cultural-philosophical lectures to poetry readings to reflections on the visual arts - she calls her own salon, the intellectual platform for individualists of different cultures, nationalities and denominations. ” 3

Konstanze Petersmann is a member of the Association of German Writers, the Heinrich Heine Society, and the Austrian PEN Club. Konstanze Petersmann is Vice President of the German-Italian Cultural Society (ACIT) Venice, paired with the XVI. German-Italian cultural exchange.

International poetry readings:

  • "International reading of the Europe Days" on 24./25. May 2013 in Poland in the Municipal Museum Dom Gerharta Hauptmanna in Jelenia Góra - Jagniątków (Villa, Wiesenstein 'Gerhart-Hauptmann-Haus in Hirschberg-Agnetendorf).
  • Venice, Palazzo Albrizzi -Capello, April 2015 and 2018, at the invitation of the German-Italian Cultural Society Venice / Goethe-Institut / Examination Office.
  • Vienna, Peterskirche crypt, September 2016, reading by the author

Single track

Volumes of poetry

Poetry monographs:

  • Mirror Dream , Edition XIM Virgines Düsseldorf, 2004.
  • At the edge of the unsatisfied well , ATHENA Verlag Oberhausen, 2008.
  • On the Star of Light of Time , ATHENA Verlag Oberhausen, 2010.
  • U Brzegów Niespokojnych Źródeł , poems German-Polish, GS MEDIA Wrocław-Jelenia Góra, 2012.
  • In the gardens of the Pleiades , Edition Virgines Düsseldorf, 2014.
  • U vrtovima plejada , German-Serbian poems, Svet Knjige Beograd, 2015.
  • Sensory magic on a silver trail, Edition Virgines Düsseldorf, 2017
  • O time, stay in the symbol, Edition Virgines Düsseldorf, 2019

Prose work / contemporary history

  • In the shadow of the iron curtain , Helios Verlag Aachen, 2016.

Anthologies (selection)

Prose and poetry in anthologies:

  • Writing , magazine of the School for Poetry in Vienna, 1993.
  • Poetry l 'Europe Frankfurt / Main, 1995.
  • untitled , Herbert Utz Verlag, Munich, 2002.
  • Color sheet , Edition XIM Virgines Düsseldorf, 2003.
  • Yearbook for the new poem , Frankfurt / Main, 2005.
  • Reflecting on Schiller , FDB Düsseldorf, 2005.
  • Passages , Diotima Literaturverein Neuss, 2006.
  • Trilogy of Special Features , Macedonian Language Skopje, 2007.
  • Window of the Soul , PETAR COCIC Foundation Banja – Luka Beograd, 2008.
  • On the Wings of Time , PETAR COCIC Banja – Luka Beograd Foundation, 2009.
  • Love and other inconsistencies , ATHENA Verlag Oberhausen, 2013.
  • RHEIN No. 6 , Kunstgeflecht Cologne, Kidmus Verlag, 2013.
  • Encounters / poems ATHENA Verlag Oberhausen, 2016
  • A life for poetry / 100th anniversary of the death of Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Vienna 2016
  • Poetry and prose of our time, Volume 26, K. Fischer Verlag Aachen, 2018


1Prof. Dr. Christa Ebert / European University Viadrina on the blurb for Im Lichtstern der Zeit
2Peter Gehrisch, in OSTRAGEHEGE IV / 09 No. 56, review of Konstanze Petersmann At the edge of the unsatisfied fountain
3 Cyril Stoletzky, Düsseldorfer Hefte, September 2008, page 62

Web links