Korupodendron songweanum

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Korupodendron songweanum
Eurosiden II
Order : Myrtle-like (Myrtales)
Family : Delphinium trees (Vochysiaceae)
Genre : Korupodendron
Type : Korupodendron songweanum
Scientific name of the  genus
Litt & Cheek
Scientific name of the  species
Korupodendron songweanum
Litt & Cheek

Korupodendron songweanum is a tree in the Vochysiaceae family from western, central Africa , Cameroon , Equatorial Guinea, and Gabon . It is the only species in the genus Korupodendron .


Korupodendron songweanum grows as a tree up to 35 meters high. The trunk diameter reaches 45 centimeters. The somewhat rough bark is greyish and root blooms are formed.

The simple, short-stalked and papery, bare leaves are opposite. They are ovate to elliptical and entire, pointed and 8-12 inches long. The nerve is pinnate and the lateral arteries converge intramarginally, the central artery is slightly embossed on the upper side and raised on the underside like the main lateral arteries.

It forms racemose inflorescences. The fragrant, five-fold flowers with a double flower envelope are sessile to stalked. Small, sloping bracts are formed. The flower stalk is a little laterally. The minimally ciliate sepals are unequal, three white petaloids, elliptical, are much larger than the other two small, green-white. A larger one forms a sack-like, white and cylindrical, straight spur , a larger one has red and yellow stripes in the middle. The white, bald and elliptical petals are about the same length and narrower as the sepals and fall off early. The laterally in flower cups (Sporn bag) intergrown, unilocular and bare ovary is inferior. The relatively short pencil is conical, with some lateral, capitate and flatter scar . There is only a short stamen that stands on the ovary. The staminodes are missing.

Somewhat cone-shaped, single-seeded wing fruits are formed, with the winged sepals and a 1.5 centimeter "body". Three wings are large and 4.5–5 inches long, two are only small.


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