Kota dagger

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The kota dagger is a Central African status weapon .


The occurrence area is in central and southeastern Gabon and in the adjacent Republic of the Congo in the Sangha area . This status weapon is used by the ethnic groups Kota , Kele , Nzabi , Njamwi , Mbamba , Mbete , Fang and others. The size can be very different; there are specimens from 18 to 80 cm. Depending on the size and design, the weapon is called a dagger , knife or sword . The blade is made of steel , is leaf-shaped, double-edged and has a central ridge. The handle is made of wood and is usually shod with twisted brass wire or sheet brass. In the middle of the handle there is a thickening as a knob. Some handles end with a brass cone.

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Manfred A. Zirngibl , Alexander Kubetz: panga na visu. Handguns, forged cult objects and shields from Africa. HePeLo-Verlag, Riedlhütte 2009, ISBN 978-3-9811254-2-9 . Pp. 96, 288-289
  2. ^ Friedrich Ratzel : Völkerkunde. Volume 1, Bibliographical Institute , Leipzig , 1885 [1]
  3. Higgins Armory Museum : [2]
  4. ^ A b Johanna Agthe, Karin Strauss: Arms from Central Africa. Verlag Museum für Völkerkunde, 1985, p. 115, 301 (sword, Sanga area 54.5 cm, blade: iron, handle: brass spiral and brass cone, source: Benedykt Dybowski 1911)
  5. a b from photo credits

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