Herb sauce

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As a herb sauce (French. Sauce fines herbes ) refers to various hot and cold sauces of classic cuisine. Warm herbal sauces are derivatives of the basic white sauce ( German sauce ), derivatives of white wine sauce (a veloute with white wine), onions and fresh herbs, while cold herbal sauces are derivatives of mayonnaise , Dutch sauce or a vinaigrette .

The production of the various herbal sauces is one of the minimum requirements for professional training as a cook .

Colloquially, sauces with lots of fresh herbs are also called this.

Cold sauces

Warm sauces

  • Sauce duxelles (with onions, mushrooms, chopped parsley, tomato paste and white wine) is often mistakenly referred to as herbal sauce .
  • Venetian sauce

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Auguste Escoffier: A. Escoffier's culinary art guide. Pp. 18, 31 , accessed on April 22, 2019 (German).
  2. a b IHK Karlsruhe: Guide to practical training in the apprenticeship as a cook. In: www.karlsruhe.ihk.de. P. 2 , accessed April 22, 2019 .
  3. IHK Hochrhein-Bodensee: Training guide for cooks. P. 2 , accessed April 22, 2019 .