Kristen Connolly

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Kristen Connolly (2014)
Kristen Connolly (2nd from right) at the premiere of The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

Kristen Nora Connolly (born July 12, 1980 in Montclair , New Jersey ) is an American actress and film producer .


Connolly began her acting career in 2003 with a small appearance in the film Mona Lisa's Smile . Three years later followed a role in the web series iChannel , in which she was also involved as an associate producer. This engagement was followed by other smaller appearances in series and films, in 2008 she took on a recurring role in the soap opera Springfield Story . In the same year she could also be seen in times of turmoil . In Young and Passionate - As Life Plays , she again took on a recurring role between 2008 and 2009. After further appearances in various productions, her first leading role followed in 2012 in the horror film The Cabin in the Woods . In the same year she took on a leading role in The Bay . From 2013 to 2014 she appeared in the House of Cards series. Since 2015 she played a leading role in the CBS series Zoo .

Filmography (selection)

Web links

Commons : Kristen Connolly  - Collection of Images