Croatian Pragmatic Sanction

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The Croatian Pragmatic Sanction ( Croatian Hrvatska pragmatička sankcija ) is a resolution of the Croatian Sabor of March 9, 1712 by which the female succession of the Habsburg dynasty was recognized for the Croatian kingdom . It played a decisive role in the spokesmen for the Croatian national revival in the 19th century , as the Croatian parliament thus showed a sign of statehood towards Hungary. The Croatian Pragmatic Sanction is mentioned in the preamble of the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia as one of the proofs of statehood for centuries under foreign rule.


Emperor Charles VI. had no male offspring, so he tried to ensure that the right of succession to the throne would also be guaranteed to the female line of his house. The Croatian estates , seeking the support of the Viennese court in the resistance against Hungarian interference in Croatian autonomy, were the first in the Habsburg monarchy to meet the efforts of the emperor. The Croatian Parliament decided in its session in Zagreb on March 9, 1712 that it would entrust itself to one or the other female line of the Austrian sex, which will not only own Austria, but also Styria , Carinthia and Carniola , and its seat will be in Austria be.

The emperor (out of consideration for the Hungarian nobility, who at the time was against the female succession rights of the Habsburgs) did not officially recognize this decision, but acknowledged it with consent and wrote in a letter of thanks to the Croatian estates: We and ours Successors will always keep your rights, privileges, and privileges intact and provide them with the assistance they desire.

But in 1723 the emperor recognized the pragmatic sanction of the Hungarian assembly of estates , which accepted the succession right of the Habsburgs after long resistance, but on the condition of the unity of all countries of St. Stephen's Crown , with which the kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia became an integral part of Hungary. The Croatian Pragmatic Sanction thus lost all legal effect.


  • Ivan Beuc: Kojim pravom postaje Marija Terezija hrvatskim kraljem? (With what right does Maria Theresa become Queen of Croatia?), In: Vjesnik Kraljevskog državnog arhiva , god. VIII, Zagreb 1939.
  • Neven Budak, Mario Strecha, Željko Krušelj: Habsburzi i Hrvati (The Habsburgs and the Croats), Srednja Europa, Zagreb 2003.
  • Vjekoslav Klaić: Hrvatska pragmatička sankcija. (The Croatian Pragmatic Sanction.) In: Rad Jazu 206, Zagreb 1915, pp. 61–135.
  • Viktor Rudolf: Kralj Karlo IV. (King Karl IV.), Sisak 1916.

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Individual evidence

  1. Dunja Melcic: The war in Yugoslavia. Handbook on the history, course and consequences. VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2007, ISBN 9783531332192 , p. 51. Digitized on Google Books
  2. In the Latin original: eidemque se confidere, illius nimirum et talis toeminini sexus augustissimi sanguinis Austriaci, qui videlicet non modo Austriae, sed provinciarum etiam Styriae, Carinthiae et Carniolae possessionem habebit, et in modofata Austria residebit . Quoted from: Klaić, p. 86; Beuc, p. 90; Budak, Strecha, Krušelj, p. 93.
  3. Rudolf, p. 6; Budak, Strecha, Krušelj, p. 94.