Krupa (Lahinja)

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Krupa spring

Krupa spring

location Bela krajina ( Slovenia )
River system Danube
Drain over Lahinja  → Kolpa  → Save  → Danube  → Black Sea
source Karst spring
45 ° 38 ′ 6 ″  N , 15 ° 13 ′ 1 ″  E
muzzle below Gradac in the Lahinja coordinates: 45 ° 37 '28 "  N , 15 ° 14' 22"  E 45 ° 37 '28 "  N , 15 ° 14' 22"  E

length approx. 2.5 km
Drain MQ
1 m³ / s
Weir directly at the Krupa spring

Weir directly at the Krupa spring

The short river Krupa in the southern Slovenian region of Bela krajina (“White Mark”) has been under nature protection since 1997 because of its picturesque turquoise karst spring ; the river is also part of the Natura 2000 network . It is the source of the Bela krajina with the greatest amount of water and rises below the village of Krupa . Since the Bela krajina is a karst landscape that basically suffers from a lack of water, the aim was to use this source for drinking water supply in the 1980s. The entire length of the river is about 2.5 km, the average water flow rate about 1000 l / s. The Krupa flows into the Lahinja below Gradac . The average depth of the Krupa is about 20 m. The Lahinja flows a few kilometers further, near Primostek, into the Kolpa , which is also under nature protection. The Kolpa in turn flows into the Sava and this flows into the Danube near Belgrade .

An educational trail was created as part of the European Interreg Slovenia-Croatia program (2014–2020). This circular route begins at the 30 m high rock face under which the Krupa rises, along the three water mills over a suspension bridge to the so-called Judenhaus (a stone age cave) and back. The Krupa is one of the few places where the cave mussel Congeria jalzici, which was considered extinct, was found .

PCB pollution

In 1984 scientists from the health department in Maribor and later also in Ljubljana discovered that the Krupa had been contaminated with PCB ( polychlorinated biphenyls ) by improperly stored waste from the company Iskra Kondenzatorji from Semič . The spring water should be used to produce drinking water for the Bela krajina. The fact that this is a karst landscape is particularly problematic . Even today, PCB contamination is high and can be detected in soil samples, fish, in water, in pets and humans.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Andrej Hudoklin: Naša naravna dediščina, Ob belokranjski Krupi (German: Our natural heritage - An der Belokrajiner Krupa ), Zavod RS za varstvo narave, Dolenjski list, October 22, 2009.
  2. M. Bezek Jakše, Skrivnosti Krupe ter naravne in kulturne dediščine ob njej (German: The secrets of the Krupa or its natural and cultural heritage, Dolenjksi list, 22 August 2019, p. 27
  3. Evolutionary history of relict Congeria (Bivalvia: Dreissenidae): unearthing the subterraneanbiodiversity of the Dinaric Karst, Bilandžija et al. Frontiers in Zoology 2013, 10: 5. ( online )
  4. S. Polič, H. Leskovšek, M. Horvat: PCB Pollution of the Karstic Environment (Krupa River, Slovenia) (PDF file; 111 kB), Acta Carsologica 29/1, 10, Ljubljana 2000, pp. 141–152 .