Krzysztof Lisek

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Krzysztof Lisek (born May 28, 1967 in Gdańsk ) is a Polish entrepreneur and politician, Sejm deputy of the V. and VI. Electoral term and since the 2009 European elections in Poland MP in Strasbourg.

After elementary school and high school, he completed a partial course at the medical university in his hometown. He was one of the founders of the Independent Student Association NZS ( Niezależne Zrzeszenie Studentów ) and was instrumental in the introduction of the Euro <26 card.

Lisek belonged to the Liberalno-Demokratyczny Congress , later he moved to the Unia Wolności / Freedom Union , from which the Platforma Obywatelska / Civic Platform split off in 2001 . In the parliamentary elections in Poland in 2007 , he won a seat in the Sejm for the second time since 2005 and became chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee.

Since the European elections in 2009 he has been a representative of Poland in Strasbourg. There he is Deputy Chairman of the Subcommittee on Security and Defense (SEDE) and a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, Common Security and Defense Policy (AFET) and the delegation to the EU-Russia Parliamentary Cooperation Committee (D-RU). He is a deputy member of the Development Committee (DEVE).

Lisek is married and has two children.

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