Kubota Utsubo

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Kubota Utsubo ( Japanese 窪 田 空 穂 ; born June 8, 1877 in Wada , Higashichikuma County (today: Matsumoto ), Nagano Prefecture ; † April 12, 1967 ) was a Japanese poet. One son is the lyricist Kubota Shōichirō .


Kubota worked as a professor of Japanese literature at Waseda University . He worked on the Japanese waka poetry and in 1964 published the book Bashō no haiku on the haiku poet Matsuo Bashō . Kubota himself emerged as the author of tankas in the new style ( Shintaishi ), which he published in several collections ( Tsuchi o nagamete , 1918; Kyonen no yuji , 1967; Chōsei-chū ). In 1911 stories appeared under the title Rohen .


Web links

  • Matsumoto City website with information on the Kubota Utsubo Memorial