Parenting culture

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The culture of parenthood (Engl. Parenting Culture Studies ) is an interdisciplinary field of research, its representative to the question of the socio-cultural dimensions of parenting focus.

Topics that are dealt with in this subject are e.g. B. current phenomena in the field of education such as attachment parenting , helicopter parents , the rise of educational “experts”, the intensification of upbringing, the politicization of the parent-child relationship and the politicization and moralization of child care and upbringing practices . A significant player in many discourses of the department is currently that of Frank Furedi so called parent-determinism (Engl. Parental determinism ), which is the widespread conviction that social problems are caused by deficient parental home education.

The Center for Parenting Culture Studies (CPCS), established in 2007 at the University of Kent in Canterbury , is the only specialist institute in this young discipline to date.

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Parental determinism: a most harmful prejudice. Retrieved November 30, 2015 . ; Ellie Lee: The tyranny of parental determinism. Retrieved November 30, 2015 . , Spiked, August 24, 2011