Kunkeliella psilotoclada

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Kunkeliella psilotoclada
Nuclear eudicotyledons
Order : Sandalwoods (Santalales)
Family : Sandalwood family (Santalaceae)
Genre : Kunkeliella
Type : Kunkeliella psilotoclada
Scientific name
Kunkeliella psilotoclada
( Svent. ) Stearn

Kunkeliella psilotoclada is a presumably extinct plant species from the sandalwood family(Santalaceae). It was endemic to Tenerife in the Canary Islands .


Kunkeliella psilotoclada was a shrub that reached a height of 1 meter. The very small, scale-shaped leaves were stiff, linear-awl-shaped and pointed. The leaf margin was ciliated.

The inflorescence contained one to three approximately sessile, five-fold flowers. The side flowers were sterile, those in the middle fertile. The yellow flower envelope was 3 to 4 millimeters in diameter. The egg-shaped to elliptical fruits were yellowish and green towards the tip.

The flowering period was from December to March. The fruits ripened in spring.

Habitat and socialization

Kunkeliella psilotoclada grew on steep, warm and dry rocks and populated ledges and rocky places. It occurred in the plant communities Euphorbietum atropurpureae and Echio aculeati-Retametum rhodorhizoides and was associated with Paronychia canariensis , Euphorbia obtusifolia , Retama rodorhizoides , Argyranthemum foeniculaceum , Lotus mascaensis and Kleinia neriifolia .


The last record was in 1983, when two specimens were discovered in Teno Rural Park at Barranco de Masca . However, one hopes to rediscover Kunkeliella psilotoclada either in the diaspore bank or in an unspoilt place on Tenerife. One of the reasons for the disappearance of Kunkeliella psilotoclada was the destruction of the vegetation by goats and rabbits. It is not known whether there are germinable seeds in seed libraries or herbarium specimens .

Kunkeliella psilotoclada is in the red list of endangered species in the IUCN "threatened with extinction" as a ( critically endangered ) "possibly extinct" with the addition of ( possibly extinct classified). It is listed in Appendix I of the Bern Convention ( Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Wildlife and Their Natural Habitats ).


  • Á. Bañares, G. Blanca, J. Güemes, JC Moreno, S. Ortiz (eds.): Atlas y Libro Rojo de la Flora Vascular Amenazada de España , 2004. PDF, online

Individual evidence

  1. Appendix I of the Bern Convention.
  2. Kunkeliella psilotoclada in the endangered Red List species the IUCN 2011. Posted by: K. Martin Caceres, A. Santos Guerra & MV Marrero Gómez, 2011. Accessed on 23. September 2011.

further reading

  • Eric R. Sventenius: Additamentum ad floram Canariensem. Instituto de Investigaciones Agronómicas, Madrid 1960. ( first description , illustration )
  • William Thomas Stearn: Kunkeliella, a new genus of Santalaceae in the Canary Islands. In: Cuadernos de botánica canaria , Volume 16, 1972, pp. 11–26 (PDF file, 3 MB).