Board of Trustees for Research in Coastal Engineering

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Board of Trustees for Research in Coastal Engineering
founding 1973
Seat Hamburg
purpose Promotion of the understanding of the natural processes on the coast
Chair Frank Weichbrodt
Managing directors Ingrid Holzwarth
people Frank Thorenz (Head of Research Coast)

The Board of Trustees for Research in Coastal Engineering (KFKI) is an amalgamation of the federal and state administrations active in coastal research. The KFKI has its office at the Federal Institute for Hydraulic Engineering in Hamburg . It was founded in 1973.


The main task is "the research but also the prediction of natural processes with the aim of an environmentally friendly sustainable use of the coast and the coastal fore." Natural processes are to be analyzed, research results produced and published. The KFKI accompanies the relevant research and selects with an advisory group under the direction of the research director which projects in the coastal area should be proposed to the federal government for funding.


Members of the Board of Trustees are the Federal Ministries of Transport (BMVI) , Agriculture (BMEL) and Research (BMBF) as well as the coastal states of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania , Schleswig-Holstein , Lower Saxony , Bremen and Hamburg . The chairmanship changes every two years, and a research director and a managing director are responsible for the current KFKI organization.


The Board of Trustees is the publisher of the magazine The Coast, which has been published since 1952 . Twice a year, also informed the KFKI Newsletter KFKI currently on current research projects. The specialist library of the Board of Trustees with over 18,000 media files can be found under the roof of the BAW's Hydraulic Engineering Information Center , connected to the historical image archive of the federal waterways with images of the coast from the near and distant past.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The members of the Board of Trustees. In: Retrieved December 23, 2019 .
  2. KFKI, tasks of the KFKI
  3. KFKI News, 2/2013 (PDF)
  4. ^ Board of Trustees for Research in Coastal Engineering (KFKI) - Board of Trustees. Retrieved September 21, 2018 .
  5. ^ Kuratorium for research in coastal engineering (KFKI) - The coast. Retrieved September 21, 2018 .
  6. ^ Board of Trustees for Research in Coastal Engineering (KFKI) - KFKI aktuell. Retrieved September 21, 2018 .