Kurt Augustinus Huber

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Kurt Augustinus Huber (born June 21, 1912 in Altsattel , Austria-Hungary , † October 5, 2005 in Bad Homburg ) was a German Roman Catholic theologian and priest .


After graduating from high school in Elbogen , he entered the Premonstratensian Monastery of Tepl and studied theology in Prague , Leitmeritz and Salzburg , where he was ordained a priest in 1935. From 1954 to 1978 he taught church history and Christian art at the PTH Königstein im Taunus .

Fonts (selection)

  • The Premonstratensians . Publishing house for art and science, Baden-Baden 1955, OCLC 1072605214 .
  • Church and German Unity in the 19th Century. A contribution to the Austro-German church history (= publications of the Königstein Institute for Church and Spiritual History of the Sudetenland Volume 4). Königstein Institute for Church and Spiritual History of the Sudetenland, Königstein im Taunus 1966, OCLC 729307147 .
  • Sacrum Pragense millennium. 973–1973 (= Archive for Church History of Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia Volume 3). Institute for Church History of Bohemia-Moravia-Silesia, Königstein im Taunus 1973, OCLC 63853522 .
  • Eduard Schlusche (1894–1945). A Christian contender in recent times (= Institutum Bohemicum. Articles Volume 6). Ackermann community, Munich 1985, OCLC 216532580 .
  • Festschrift for the second secular celebration of the Budweis diocese 1785–1985 (= Archive for Church History of Bohemia, Moravia, Silesia Volume 7). Institute for Church History of Bohemia-Moravia-Silesia, Königstein im Taunus 1985, ISBN 3-921344-12-3 .


  • as editors Joachim Bahlcke and Rudolf Grulich : Kurt Augustinus Huber: Catholic Church and Culture in Böhmen. Selected treatises (= religious and cultural history in East-Central and Southeastern Europe. Volume 5). Lit, Münster / Berlin / Hamburg / London / Vienna 2005, ISBN 3-8258-6687-4 .

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