Kurt Bassermann

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Julius Konrad "Kurt" Bassermann (born December 13, 1880 in Mannheim ; † 1935 ) was a German bank manager .


He comes from a Mannheim family that is characterized by a Baden-Palatinate merchant tradition and was the son of Felix Bassermann (1848–1902) and his wife Anna (1857–1934), born Grohe. After attending grammar school in Mannheim, where Kurt Bassermann passed his Abitur, he went to Heidelberg University to study chemistry and economics . He later moved to the University of Strasbourg and finally to Berlin.

In 1898 Kurt Bassermann began a two-year apprenticeship at Bassermann & Herrschel, the drug and chemical wholesale company in Mannheim . In 1902 he and his brothers became partners in the newly founded company Bassermann & Co. In 1910 he was appointed director of the Freiburg branch of the Süddeutsche Disconto-Gesellschaft. After the outbreak of World War I he was drafted for military service and returned from the war in 1918.

In 1927 Kurt Bassermann became a board member of the Süddeutsche Disconto-Gesellschaft in Mannheim. Two years later he was appointed director of the Mannheim branch of Deutsche Bank and Diskonto-Gesellschaft, and in 1932 he moved to the Freiburg branch as director. Until his death in 1937 he was chairman of the supervisory board of Kienzle Apparate Aktiengesellschaft Villingen .

Kurt Bassermann was a member of numerous societies and had his residence in Freiburg, Basler Strasse 46. Today, this building is used as an armine house by the Catholic German student association Arminia in Freiburg.

His tomb is in the Mannheim cemetery.


His marriage to Karola (born January 12, 1884), the daughter of parliamentarian Ernst Bassermann , resulted in two daughters.


  • Wilhelm Bassermann, 1744–1811, a businessman in Heidelberg, and his descendants. Contributions to Bassermann's family history , Mannheim, 1905.
  • Herrmann AL Degener : Degeners Who is it? , Berlin 1935, page 65.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The Bassermann family
  2. Historical graves in Mannheim