Kurt Plarre

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Kurt Plarre (born March 27, 1881 in Gera ; † April 26, 1945 in Berlin-Dahlem ) was a German civil engineer and state building officer .

Plarre came from a respected family of leather manufacturers in Gera. He went to school in Gera and graduated from high school in 1899 . He passed the second state examination in 1907 and was appointed government master builder ( assessor in the public building administration), at that time he was working in Duisburg-Ruhrort.

Later he worked in the rank of government building officer in the Eberswalde new building office of the Reich Waterways Administration , which he had been in charge of since 1924 . Plarre designed the Niederfinow ship lift , which opened in 1934, and reported on this project several times in the journal Die Bautechnik (in the years 1930 to 1935). After the new building office in Eberswalde was dissolved, he was transferred to the waterway administration in Magdeburg , where he was involved in the construction of the Rothensee ship lift (completed in 1938). He then worked as a ministerial advisor in the waterway administration of the Reich Ministry of Transport in Berlin. In 1944/1945 he was the successor to Leopold Ellerbeck as Chairman of the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete (DAfStb). In the meantime, the management of the committee had passed from the Reich Ministry of Transport to the General Inspector for Water and Energy and the Reich Minister for Armaments.

He committed before the invasion of the Red Army in 1945 in Berlin-Dahlem in April suicide .


  • Fifty years of the German Committee for Reinforced Concrete 1907–1957. Ernst & Son, Berlin 1957.
  • Sven Bardua: Ship lifts in the world. Ship lift. Klartext-Verlag, Essen 2001.
  • B. Klitzke: Kurt Plarre (1881–1945) and the Niederfinow ship lift. Searching for traces in the Eberswalder Museum. In: Eberswalder Jahrbuch 2003/2004 , pp. 127–132.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Finow Canal, Niederfinow ship lift