László Déméndi

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László Déméndi was a 14th century Hungarian nobleman from the family Déméndi de Theszéri , who was resident in Hont County .

He was a son of the lawyer Peter Déméndi and had three siblings. He was trained as a doctor in Bratislava and Budapest , because the family attached great importance to scientific education and medicine. In addition, he was quickly appointed canonist of Esztergom and provost of Kalocsa . At the same time he became the personal surgeon of Ludwig the Great and later of Emperor Sigismund . He won the trust of Elizabeth of Bosnia , the wife of Louis the Great. He was entrusted with the upbringing of the royal children Hedwig , Maria and Katharina and was appointed court chancellor by Elisabeth.

Politically, László was able to use the proximity to the royal court, which gave him high ecclesiastical offices. He became Bishop of Nitra (1368-1372), Bishop of Veszprém (1372-1377) and later Bishop of Oradea (1378-1382). During his time as bishop he promoted the Renaissance .


  1. DEMÉNDI I. LÁSZLÓ. 1378-1382. Arcanum, accessed September 11, 2019 .
  2. Milan Ukrop: Demandice Dejiny. Retrieved September 11, 2019 .
  3. ^ Kellogg, Charlotte: Jadwiga, Poland's Great Queen. Retrieved September 11, 2019 .
  4. DEMÉNDI I. LÁSZLÓ. 1378-1382. Arcanum, accessed September 11, 2019 .