László Karakas

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László Karakas (born June 21, 1923 in Debrecen , Hajdú-Bihar county , † October 6, 1989 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian politician of the party of the Hungarian working people MDP (Magyar Dolgozók Pártja) and finally the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party MSZMP (Magyar Szocialista Munkáspárt ) , who was Minister of Labor between 1973 and 1977.


Baker, union and party official

Karakas, who came from a working-class family, began training as a baker after attending school in 1937 and then worked in Debrecen and Budapest during this visit. After the end of the Second World War , he joined the Communist Party KMP (Kommunisták Magyarországi Pártja) in 1945 and worked as a lumberjack between 1945 and 1948 . He then was deputy director of a bakery in Debrecen for a year until 1949.

He then became a full-time employee in the organization department of the union of workers in the food industry EDSZSZ (Élelmezésipari Dolgozók Szakszervezeteinek Szövetsége) , which he had already joined in 1944. A short time later, he became chairman of this union in Békés county , before becoming head of the organization department at the union headquarters in 1951. He then acted as secretary from 1952 to 1954, then from 1954 to 1960 as chairman and then in 1960 as general secretary of the EDSZSZ. During this time he also became a member of the Central Party Control Commission of the MSZMP in 1957.

After a three-year study between 1960 and 1963 at the party college of the CPSU in Moscow , Karakas was secretary of the national council of the trade unions SZOT (Szakszervezetek Országos Tanácsa) from 1963 to 1966 after his return to Hungary . He then became First Secretary of the MSZMP in Hajdú-Bihar County on June 1, 1966. In addition, he was on December 3, 1966 on the IX. Party Congress was elected a member of the Central Committee (ZK) of the MSZMP and belonged to this until May 22, 1988.

Member of Parliament and Minister of Labor

In addition to his party functions, Karakas became a member of parliament (Országgyűlés) for the first time on April 25, 1971 and was a member of it until his death on October 6, 1989, initially in the 6th constituency of Hajdú-Bihar County and then since 8th. June 1980 represented the 12th constituency of Hajdú-Bihar county.

As part of a government reshuffle Karakas was on June 29, 1973 as Minister of Labor (Munkaügyi Miniszter) in the Cabinet of Prime Minister Jenő Fock and held this position in the government of his successor György Lázár until June 24, 1977 from.

Shortly before leaving the government, on June 22, 1977, he took over the position of head of the Central Committee's department for economy and administration and held this position for ten years until December 8, 1987.

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