Léonard de Hodémont

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Léonard (Collet) de Hodémont (* around 1575 in Liège ; † in August 1636 there ) was a composer who worked in the Principality of Liège .


Léonard de Hodémont received his musical training at the Lambertus Cathedral in Liège and from 1595 at the University of Leuven . In 1612 he became canon at the Lambertus Cathedral, on October 26, 1616 choirmaster (Maître de chant), an office he held until February 25, 1633.

The compositional work includes mainly sacred works, but also profane music. In his compositional style he was open to baroque currents coming from Italy. Hodémont's work was formative for the music of the early 17th century in the Principality of Liège . His work had an influence on the younger composers in the cathedral area, such as Lambert Pietkin and Henry Du Mont , who later became conductor of the French King Louis XIV.

Works (selection)

  • Armonica recreatione (three-part Villanelli), (Antwerp, 1625)
  • Sacri concentus, motets from one to five parts , (Liège, 1630)
  • Salve regina , in the "Grand livre de choeur de Saint-Lambert"
  • 3 Ecce panis angelorum , contained in the 2nd choir book of St. Lambert's Cathedral.
  • 14 librorum antiphonarium de Sancti Lamberti , 1629

Individual evidence

  1. Thierry Levaux: Dictionnaire des compositeurs de Belgique du moyen âge à nos jours. Éditions Art in Belgium, Ohain-Lasne 2006, ISBN 2-930338-37-7 , p. 521.