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Ballstrasse 12
House Reichenstrasse 19

LZM is the signature of a carpenter from the 17th and 18th centuries, whose name is not known for certain. He created several surviving today and the UNESCO World Heritage Site belonging timbered houses in Quedlinburg .

Probably the last name was Zimmermann and began the first name with L . The construction of nine buildings between 1697 and 1702 in the Quedlinburger Neustadt is known for the master builder LZM. In addition, it is believed that a building from 1690 in the old town and two buildings from 1706 and 1709 go back to him.

He built in a traditional style using rows of stands , parapets and pyramid beam heads . In addition, he used parapet struts and used loam stacks to fill in the compartments . Distinctive for him is to use a small bevel on the floor threshold , instead of the usual otherwise with other builders flat or ship throats .

Its conservative design could be traced back to the wishes of its clients. They came from less wealthy classes. The houses he built were usually only six containers wide and two stories high.


The following buildings by the master carpenter are known:

It is also assumed that the house at Ballstrasse 10 from 1695, drawn with MLZ, and the southern courtyard building at Breiten Strasse 31, drawn with C. Zimmermann and erected in 1709, may also have been built by him.


  • Hans-Hartmut Schauer, The urban planning monument Quedlinburg and its half-timbered buildings , Verlag für Bauwesen Berlin 1990, ISBN 3-345-00233-7 , pages 72, 86
  • Hans-Hartmut Schauer, Quedlinburg, specialist workshop / world cultural heritage, Verlag Bauwesen Berlin 1999, ISBN 3-345-00676-6 , page 83, 150