Labeobarbus mariae

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Labeobarbus mariae
without rank: Otophysa
Order : Carp-like (Cypriniformes)
Subordination : Carp fish-like (Cyprinoidei)
Family : Carp fish (Cyprinidae)
Genre : Labeobarbus
Type : Labeobarbus mariae
Scientific name
Labeobarbus mariae
( Holly , 1929)

Labeobarbus mariae ( Syn .: Barbus mariae ), English Rhinofish, is a large-sized barbel species from East Africa.


Labeobarbus mariae is only endemic to a few rivers in East Africa; they have been detected in the Tana and Athi rivers in Kenya .


The barbel species is called Rhinofish or Pangani Barb in English. In Kenya the fish is also called Domo, Kambale, Kasinya, Koovo or Matonzi. The name Rhino Fish comes from the fact that older specimens develop a small, hard bone horn above the nose. This was first mentioned by Hugh Copley in 1952 in his book "The Game Fishes of Africa". The fish have a dark olive-green back and silvery flanks, as well as dark to reddish fins. Labeobarbus mariae keeps preferably in the fast flowing water of rapids in the upper reaches of the Athi and Tana Rivers and lives exclusively predatory prey fish such as small cash species and tilapia - cichlids . On average, the fish are 30 centimeters long, but in exceptional cases they are much larger. The largest specimen weighed around 45 kilograms and came from the Tana River in Kenya Copley mentioned a very capital specimen from the Ol Doinyo Sabuk National Park, but the largest fish come from the Tana River. Little is known about the way of life, the stock situation and the current endangerment status as an endangered species due to a lack of data.


  • L. Seegers, L. De Vos and DO Okeyo: Annotated checklist of the freshwater fishes of Kenya (excluding the lacustrine haplochromines from Lake Victoria), 2003

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Bill Hansford-Steele: African Fly-Fishing Handbook, A Guide to Freshwater and Saltwater Fly-fishing in Africa, Struik Publishers, 2004, ISBN 978-1868728824 . P. 186
  2. a b Barbus mariae Holly, 1929 -
  3. ^ Fishing World Records
  4. ^ E. Vreven: Barbus mariae. from IUCN 2010. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2010,