Lacs de Haute-Charente

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As de Lacs Haute-Charente are two reservoirs in the French Charente referred. Both are located in the Haute-Charente , the border region to the neighboring Haute-Vienne department - an already relatively high-lying landscape with the characteristics of the Limousin .


The Lac de Lavaud with a dam

The two reservoirs are Lac de Lavaud and Lac du Mas Chaban . The eastern Lac de Lavaud was created in 1989 and its southern part extends into the Haute-Vienne department. The Lac du Mas Chaban, located 3.5 kilometers to the west, at 210 meters above sea level, was only completed in 2000. The Lac du Mas Chaban dams the upper reaches of the Moulde , while the Lac de Lavaud at 221 meters above sea level regulates the upper reaches of the Charente with its left tributary, the Treize .

Together, the reservoirs have a total surface area of ​​2,293 square kilometers, making them the largest freshwater lakes in the Charente department. They were not created to generate energy, but serve exclusively to regulate the river and the irrigation needs of the surrounding agriculture. At the Lac de Lavaud, infrastructures for tourist purposes have developed.

Both reservoirs are looked after by the Office de tourisme in Massignac and have been associated with the Périgord-Limousin Regional Nature Park since 2005 .


Map of the Lacs de Haute-Charente

The reservoirs of the Haute-Charente lie on crystalline basement mountains on the north-western edge of the French Massif Central . The main mass of the surrounding rocks are plagioclash-containing paragneiss of the lower gneiss cover , which were metamorphosed to a high degree during the Variscan mountain formation and are now in the sillimanite facies. Their parent rocks were originally Grauwacken . Small occurrences of orthogneiss and granitoids as well as a rare impact breccia of the Rochechouart-Chassenon crater further to the east are subordinate .

See also


  • A. Bambier, J.-P. Capdeville, E. Cariou, J.-P. Floch, J. Gabilly and P. Hantzpergue: Note explicative de la feuille La Rochefoucauld à 1/50 000 . 1831 Charente limousine. BRGM, 1983.