Laelia autumnalis

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Laelia autumnalis
Laelia autumnalis, illustration

Laelia autumnalis , illustration

Family : Orchids (orchidaceae)
Subfamily : Epidendroideae
Tribe : Epidendreae
Sub tribus : Laeliinae
Genre : Laelia
Type : Laelia autumnalis
Scientific name
Laelia autumnalis
( La Llave & Lex. ) Lindl.

Laelia autumnalis is a plant from the genus laelia in the family of orchid (Orchidaceae). The species originates from Mexico and is occasionallycultivatedas an ornamental plant.


On a creeping rhizome , Laelia autumnalis forms elongated, egg-shaped pseudobulbs . These are eight to 15 centimeters high and wrinkled lengthways. They are covered by decrepit lower leaves, at the top they have two, rarely three leaves . The narrow-elliptical to lanceolate leaves measure eleven to 16 centimeters in length. They are gray-green in color and have a reddish tinge, especially in a sunny location.

The terminal, dark brown, racemose inflorescence usually has three to eight, rarely up to 15 flowers . They are pink to purple in color, rarely white and fragrant. The flower measures about eight to ten, rarely up to 15 centimeters in diameter. The sepals are narrowly lanceolate and pointed. The petals are wider, somewhat rhombic in shape. The lip is three-lobed, the side lobes are light pink to white and stand upright. The lip is veined reddish brown at the base, three yellow keels sit in the middle of the lip.


Laelia autumnalis is widespread in Mexico and is found at altitudes of 1000 to 1300 meters. The species grows epiphytically or lithophytically , often in well-lit locations.


The earliest reports on the culture of this species date from the year 1836. Due to the flowering time in autumn (to which the name autumnalis refers) the flowers are used in Mexico as decorations on All Saints' Day and are accordingly called Flor de Todos los Santos .


  • Carl L. Withner : The Cattleyas and their relatives. Volume II. The Laelias . Timber Press, Portland 1998, ISBN 0-88192-161-0 , pp. 40-42 .
  • Jürgen Röth: Orchids . VEB Deutscher Landwirtschaftsverlag Berlin, 1983, p. 225 .

Web links

Commons : Laelia autumnalis  - album with pictures, videos and audio files