Lake Caldonazzo

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Lake, Lago di Caldonazzo
Lago di caldonazzo.jpg
Lake Caldonazzo
Geographical location in the Valsugana Valley ( Province of Trento , Italy)
Drain Brenta
Places on the shore Calceranica al Lago , Caldonazzo
Coordinates 46 ° 1 '12 "  N , 11 ° 14' 35"  E Coordinates: 46 ° 1 '12 "  N , 11 ° 14' 35"  E
Caldonazzo lake (Trentino-South Tyrol)
Lake Caldonazzo
Altitude above sea level 449  m slm
surface 5.627 km²
length 4,735 km
width 1.87 km
volume 0.148,987 km³
Maximum depth 49 m
Middle deep 26.5 m
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The Caldonazzo lake ( Italian : Lago di Caldonazzo ; old German name: Gallnötschsee ) is a lake in the Valsugana valley east of Trento in the Italian province of Trento . The 500 m high and 47 m deep at its deepest point is the second largest lake in the province after Lake Garda .

The main towns are Calceranica al Lago and Caldonazzo with bathing beaches at the western and southern ends of the lake. The lake is unpopulated on the east bank, while the small town of San Cristoforo al Lago is located at the north end . The smaller Lago di Levico is only two kilometers to the east and connected underground to the lake by caves .

Holiday resort of the SOS Children's Villages

In 1953, children from the SOS Children's Village Imst came to the west bank of Lake Caldonazzo for the first time . Hermann Gmeiner acquired the lake property and expanded it to its present size. Today, up to 1,400 children and young people from all European SOS Children's Villages spend their holidays there in a tent city every year.

See also

Web links

Commons : Caldonazzo Lake  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. SOS Holiday Village Caldonazzo - the story. Retrieved July 22, 2017 .