Laguna San Francisco (Beni)

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Laguna San Francisco
Geographical location Municipio Baures , Bolivia
Coordinates 13 ° 5 '57 "  S , 62 ° 57' 38"  W Coordinates: 13 ° 5 '57 "  S , 62 ° 57' 38"  W.
Laguna San Francisco (Beni) (Bolivia)
Laguna San Francisco (Beni)
Altitude above sea level 138  m
length 5.2 km
width 2.6 km
scope 13.8 km
Template: Infobox Lake / Maintenance / EVIDENCE LAKE WIDTH Template: Infobox Lake / Maintenance / EVIDENCE SCOPE

The Laguna San Francisco is one of a group of lakes near the border with Brazil in the Beni department in Bolivia .

Location in the vicinity

The Laguna San Francisco is located 18 kilometers west of the Río Iténez , border river with Brazil, in the nature reserve Reserva Forestal Iténez . The lake is at a height of 138  m and extends to 5.2 kilometers in length and up to 2.6 kilometers in width. Its area is 12.7 square kilometers and the circumference of the lake is 13.8 kilometers. Administratively, the lake belongs to the province of Iténez and is located in the northeastern part of the district ( Bolivian : Municipio ) of Baures .


Climate diagram Magdalena

The Laguna San Francisco is located in the Bolivian lowlands, the climate is characterized by a balanced temperature curve with only minor fluctuations, which is typical for the tropics.

The annual mean temperature is almost 27 ° C, the monthly values ​​fluctuate between 25 ° C in June / July and 28 ° C in October (see Magdalena climate diagram). The annual precipitation is more than 1,400 mm, with a significant wet season from November to March, and a dry season in the months June to August.


The region is only sparsely populated. The closest central city is Magdalena in the southwest at a straight line distance of 120 kilometers with 4,758 inhabitants ( 2012 update ).

Web links

See also