Lajos Áprily

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Lajos Áprily

Lajos Áprily (stage name by Lajos Jékely , born November 14, 1887 in Brassó , Austria-Hungary ; died August 6, 1967 in Budapest ), of Transylvanian-Saxon descent (née Jekel ), was a Hungarian poet and translator .


After Áprily finished primary school in Praid in Transylvania , his family moved to Székelyudvarhely (Odorheiu Secuiesc), where he attended high school. In 1899 the family went to Cluj, where Áprily finished his studies at the Philosophical Faculty in Cluj in 1909 and taught as a high school teacher in Nagyenyed (Aiud). In 1929 he moved to Budapest, where he also worked as a teacher. After running a boarding school in Transylvania, he retired in 1944 and settled near Visegrád in Hungary .

His son Zoltán Jékely (1913–1982) was also a poet and translator.

Áprily belonged to the “1. Generation ”of the poets in the literary magazine Nyugat . For his poems he usually used classical forms and meters. They are characterized by impressionistic descriptions of nature.

His poetry collections and translations from French and Russian appeared between 1921 and 1965.

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Individual evidence

  1. Heinz Heltmann, Gustav Servatius (Ed.): Travel Guide Siebenbürgen . Kraft, Würzburg 1993, ISBN 3-8083-2019-2 , p. 517 .
  2. Information on Lajos Áprily at, accessed on August 22, 2020 (Hungarian).