Nyugat [ ˈɲuɡɒt ] ( German "West" or "Occident") is the name of an influential magazine founded in 1908 , after which an entire epoch of Hungarian literature is sometimes named (from around 1908 to 1941). One of her most important employees was Mihály Babits .
Nyugat was originally directed by Ignotus (Hugo Veigelsberg), Ernő Osvát and Miksa Fenyő . The founders it was particularly concerned that contemporary literary, artistic and philosophical development (initially v. A. Naturalism , Symbolism , Impressionism ) Western Europe to rezipieren and make fruitful for Hungary. During the First World War they took an anti-militarist position. The magazine's program included both prose and poetry . The psychoanalyst Sándor Ferenczicontributed seven treatises over the years, Sigmund Freud an autobiographical sketch in 1925 and the unsigned treatise A Difficulty in Psychoanalysis 1917, translated by Ignotus.
In Hungarian literature there are three different Nyugat "generations":
The first generation includes a. Endre Ady , Árpád Tóth , Mihály Babits, Dezső Kosztolányi , Gyula Juhász as well as Gyula Krúdy and Zsigmond Móricz .
The second generation (1920s) includes Lőrinc Szabó , József Fodor , György Sárközi , Attila József , Gyula Illyés , Miklós Radnóti , József Erdélyi , László Németh , Tibor Déry and Sándor Márai .
In the third generation, the “essayistic”, there are writers like Antal Szerb , László Szabó , Gábor Halász , Sándor Weöres , István Vas , Jenő Dsida , Zoltán Zelk , Gábor Devecseri , György Rónay and Zoltán Jékely .
The Nyugat ended with the death of the editor Mihály Babits in 1941, as the co-editor Gyula Illyés was not allowed to continue using the name for political reasons. Until 1944 the magazine was published under the name Magyar Csillag ("Hungarian Star") under the direction of Gyula Illyés.
See also
- Aranka Ugrin, Kálmán Vargha (ed.): Nyugat and his circle 1908–1941. Translated from the Hungarian by Martin Bischoff. Leipzig: Reclam 1989. ISBN 978-3379004312
- Paul Kárpáti : Nyugat . In: Herbert Greiner-Mai (ed.): Small dictionary of world literature . VEB Bibliographisches Institut Leipzig 1983. pp. 205–206.
Web links
- The Nyugat archive (hungarian)
- Zoltán Péter: Between Work and Society (On the structure of the literary field in Hungary between 1905 and 1920). In: WEBFU (Viennese electronic contributions of the Institute for Finno-Ugric Studies) 2002, ISSN 1609-882X . (PDF file; 210 kB)