Zoltán Zelk

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Zoltán Zelk (born December 18, 1906 in Érmihályfalva, Austria-Hungary ; died April 23, 1981 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian writer.


Zoltán Zelk's grave in Budapest ( Farkasréti temető : 22-1-77 / 78) bears no †

Zelk came from poor Hungarian Jewish backgrounds; his father was a cantor . He could only attend the first grades of middle school in Miskolc and then became an apprentice. In 1925 his first poem was printed. For political reasons he had to move to what is now Romanian Transylvania as a Hungarian communist in 1927 and write under a pseudonym. In 1928 it had its first publication in Nyugat . Under the anti-Semitic legislation in Hungary that began in 1938, he could no longer publish his work. The editor of the Nyugat successor "Magyar Csillag" Gyula Illyés printed poems by the Jews Szilárd Darvas and Zelk despite the ban.

During the Second World War he was used as a Jewish slave labor in Ukraine.

In communist Hungary he initially succeeded as a communist party poet . In a discussion in the Petöfi Circle on September 19, 1956, Zelk explained: “... I gave up my principles and my pure faith when I too believed that without humanity and morality, to the exclusion of certain national feelings, can serve the real cause ... ”. Even after Imre Nagy was overthrown by Mátyás Rákosi in March 1955, in November 1955, before the 20th party congress of the CPSU , the 59 writers and artists issued a memorandum in which they expressed a cautiously formulated protest, Zelk read it at the writers' congress:

  • Withdrawal of the dismissals of literary editors
  • Withdrawal of publication bans
  • Ensure the Autonomy of the Writers' Union
  • Revocation of bans on the performance of the classics Imre Madách and László Németh at the theater.
  • Cessation of attacks on the work of the composer Zoltán Kodály .

Zelk was punished with expulsion from the party and a publication ban.

Zelk was in the events of the Hungarian uprising in October 1956 with Sándor Erdei and László Benjámin as delegates of the writers at András Hegedüs and were lied to by him about the intervention of the Soviet troops that had already been initiated. Zelk was imprisoned and in 1957 was sentenced to three years in prison together with Tibor Déry (9 years), Gyula Háy (6 years) and Tibor Tardos (18 months) in the “Great Writer's Trial”. He was released from an amnesty in 1958.

For the director István Szabó , he was an actor in the award-winning film "Tüzoltó utca 25" ("Feuerwehrgasse 25") in 1973. Sándor Sára shot the film about him in 1982, "Elátkozva a hatodik napot".

More than forty of his works have appeared in Hungary, very few of them translated into another language.

Zelk was married to the writer Irén Bátori (1905-1958) and to Erzsébet Sinka the second.


Zelk received the Baumgarten Prize in 1947, the Kossuth Prize in 1949 and 1954, the Attila József Prize in 1951 and 1974.

The “Zoltán Zelk Prize” (Zelk Zoltán-díj) is named after him, awarded to István Kemény in 2001 , Anna T. Szabo in 2004 and Tamás Jónás in 2008 .


  • The three hares (Három nyúl), illustrations by Attila Dargay , Budapest: Pannonia Filmunternehmen 1987
  • When someone entrusts the goat's cabbage , German by Géza Engel, Budapest: Forma-Art-Verlag 1989 ISBN 963-02-7377-2
  • Akit Az Isten Nem Szeret . Szepirodalmi Konyvkiado Budapest, ISBN 963150705X
  • Alszik a Szel: Gyerekversek es Mesek . Szepirodalmi Konyvkiado, ISBN 9631520757
  • with Erzsebet Sinka Egyzervolt Ember: Prozai irasok , 1964–1971. Szepirodalmi Konyvkiado, ISBN 9631528227
  • Este a Kutban: Versek , 1925–1963. Szepirodalmi Konyvkiado, ISBN 963151949X
  • Fohajtas a Tulvilagra . Kozmosz, ISBN 9632113594
  • Kereknyomok Az egen: Versek, 1963-1981 . Szepirodalmi Konyvkiado, ISBN 9631519503
  • with Janos Kass: Mese a Kiscsikorol es Sok Mas Baratunkrol . Mora, ISBN 9631102254
  • Tent egbolt . Szepirodalmi Konyvkiado, ISBN 9631506428
  • Mindennapi Halalom: versek , Szepirodalmi Konyvkiado, ISBN 9631512347
  • with Erzsebet Sinka Nappali Menedekhely: Prozai irasok, 1927-1955 . Szepirodalmi Konyvkiado, ISBN 9631523772
  • with Emy Rona: Szall Az Erdo: gyermekversek . Mora, ISBN 9631108279
  • with Erzsebet Sinka: Terdig Hamuban: Kiadatlan Versek, 1925-1981 . Szepirodalmi Konyvkiado, ISBN 9631519481
  • with Laszlo Benjamin, Imre Csanadi: Tuzbol Mentett Hegedu: Valogatott Versek . Papirusz Book, ISBN 9639263206


  • Aranka Ugrin and Kálmán Vargha (eds.): Nyugat and his circle: 1908 - 1941 , translated from Hungarian by Martin Bischoff. Leipzig: Reclam 1989 ISBN 978-3379004312

Web links

Commons : Zoltán Zelk  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. on the humorist Szilárd Darvas (1909–1961) see: hu: Darvas Szilárd
  2. Randolph L. Braham : The politics of genocide: the Holocaust in Hungary , Wayne State University Press, Detroit 2000, ISBN 0814326919 , p. 269.Braham cites Erzsébet Sinka in Kritika , no.4 (1983).
  3. ^ Discussion evening writers in the Kossuth Rádió , September 19, 1956, 8:00 p.m. at www.zeitgeschichte-online.de
  4. on Sándor Erdei (1915–1986) see: hu: Erdei Sándor (író) ; on László Benjámin (1915–1986) see: hu: Benjámin László ; on Tibor Tardos (1918–2004) see: hu: Tardos Tibor
  5. Melvin J. Lasky (ed.), The Hungarian Revolution , New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1957, p. 55.
  6. Zoltán Zelk Prize, see: Young Academy of the Arts 2006