Lantbert from Deutz

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Lantbert's native monastery of Saint-Laurent in Liège (illustration from the 17th century)

Lantbert von Deutz ( lat. Lantbertus Tuitiensis ; † September 26, 1069 in Liège ) was a hagiographer and poet .


Lantbert, whose exact year of birth is unknown, became a monk in his youth in the Liège Benedictine monastery of Saint-Laurent , of which his uncle Stephan was the abbot from 1026. As a student of Adelmann von Lüttich , Lantbert wrote 22 smaller poems and epitaphs there . In the early forties of the 11th century Lantbert moved to the convent of Deutz Abbey ; its founder, Archbishop Heribert von Köln, is the focus of his main hagiographic work.

Lantbert's Vita sancti Heriberti , which was consistently held in elaborate rhyming prose and divided into 12 lectiones , which arose between 1046 and 1056, and his Miracula sancti Heriberti , a miracle collection in 42 chapters, which was also written down in the same style in Deutz , should already be shortly after Heriberts Death in Deutz in 1021 give tangible veneration of Heribert as a saint literary and liturgical expression.

Lantbert's place of work, the Deutz Heribert monastery (woodcut from the 16th century)

To this end Lantbert wrote in Deutz even more liturgical, mostly neumierte texts and poems on Heribert, including a complete Heribertsoffizium in part leoninisch rhyming hexameters , two hymns in five Sapphic or six iambic verses and a zehnstrophige sequence with eight reduplicating double verses.

In 1060 Lantbert succeeded his uncle as Abbot of Saint-Laurent. There he wrote further neumed liturgical texts until his death in 1069, including on St. Hadelin , the founder of the Abbey of Celles near Dinant , and a sequence on his namesake, St. Lambert of Liège .

Lantbert's Vita Heriberti and parts of the Miracula Heriberti were widely received in the Rhineland, including in Heribert 's vita of Rupert von Deutz and in Rhenish extensions of the Legenda aurea . In addition to Rupert's Heribert's vita, Lantbert's work also served as a template for the visual design of the Heribert shrine, which was completed around 1175 .

Work edition

  • Lantbert von Deutz: Vita Heriberti, Miracula Heriberti. Poems, liturgical texts, ed. by Bernhard Vogel ( MGH SS rer. Germ. in usum schol. 73), Hannover 2001, ISBN 3-7752-5473-0 . (also online at MGH Digital ).


  • Bernhard Vogel: The hagiographic work Lantbert von Deutz about Heribert von Köln. in: Hagiography in Context. Possibilities and modes of action of historical evaluation. ed. by Klaus Herbers , Dieter R. Bauer (Contributions to Hagiography 1), Stuttgart 2000, pp. 117–129. ISBN 3-515-07399-X .
  • Bernhard Vogel: Visions and Miracles. Literary tradition and hagiographic context using the example of Lantbert von Deutz. in: Miracles in the Middle Ages. Concepts - functions - realities. ed. by Dieter R. Bauer, Martin Heinzelmann, Klaus Herbers (Contributions to Hagiography 3), Stuttgart 2002, pp. 227-251. ISBN 3-515-08061-9 .

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