Laura Morgenthaler García

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Laura Morgenthaler García (* 1979 ) is a linguist (Romance studies).


From 1997 to 2001 she studied Spanish Philology at the University of La Laguna, graduating Licenciado en Filología española . After completing his doctorate (2002–2006) in Bremen . Dissertation topic: Identidad y pluricentrismo lingüístico. Hablantes canarios frente a la estandarización. Summa cum Laude, she was a research assistant in the Romance Studies course at the University of Bremen from 2007 to 2010 . In 2008 she received a fellowship from the DFG for a research stay at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales . Topic: Language politics in Western Sahara and Morocco (North Africa): The tension between Spanish and French from colonial times to the present. From 2010 to 2013 she had her own position at the German Research Foundation at the University of Bremen (sole application). Topic: The legacy of colonial language politics in the current spread of post-colonial languages. The example of Spanish and French in North Africa. From 2010 to 2012 she was a scholarship holder of the Fast Track Program: Excellence and Leadership Competence for Women Scientists in the Fast Lane of the Robert Bosch Foundation . In the 2012/2013 winter semester, she represented the chair (W3) for Romance Linguistics. University of Bremen. In 2013 she continued her own position at the University of Osnabrück . In 2014, another DFG own position was created. Topic: Prosody and language contact Spanish-French-Arabic in North Africa. (Sole application) approved. In January 2015 she was offered a W2 professorship at the European University of Flensburg . After completing his habilitation in July 2015 in Osnabrück . Acquisition of the Venia Legendi for Romance Linguistics. At the University of Osnabrück, she was W2 Professor for Spanish Linguistics in Flensburg from 2015 to 2018 . Since 2018 she has been teaching as W3 professor for Romance Philology, especially Ibero-Romance Linguistics at the Ruhr University Bochum .

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