Avalanche warning service Bavaria

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Signet of the Avalanche Warning Service Bavaria

The Avalanche Warning Service Bavaria was founded in 1967. Its main task is the prevention of dangers and disasters from snow avalanches in the Bavarian Alpine region .


The service is not to be understood as an independent organization, but as a cooperative structure of several safety and disaster control authorities responsible for this area of ​​responsibility ( Bavarian State Ministry of the Interior , Bavarian State Ministry for Environment and Health , municipalities , district offices , the government of Upper Bavaria and Swabia ) with the participation of the im Avalanche warning center located at the Bavarian State Office for the Environment .

Components of the avalanche warning service:


The avalanche warning service publishes a continuously updated avalanche report for the six major regions of the Bavarian Alps ( Allgäu Alps , Ammergau Alps , Wetterstein Mountains and Karwendel (Werdenfels Alps), Bavarian Prealps , Chiemgau Alps , Berchtesgaden Alps ) with a current description of important hazard parameters (including regional snow cover reports and snow profile graphics , as well as graphically processed measurement data) and a forecast as a planning aid for everyone. The situation is summarized in one of five danger levels on the European danger scale. The avalanche report is available via a telephone announcement, teletext (BR3, panel 646), the website or, for mobile devices, WAP and can be subscribed to as an e-mail newsletter. There you can also access information about behavior and current road closures.

Not a single fatal avalanche accident has been recorded in the monitored and cleared area since it was founded.

Web links