Lazarus Zetzner

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Printer's mark by Lazarus Zetzner (Zurich Central Library)

Lazarus Zetzner (* 1551 in Strasbourg ; † 1616 ) was a German publisher and printer, known as the editor of the Theatrum Chemicum , a compilation of alchemical writings, the first volumes of which appeared in 1602. He also published books by humanists, on history, philosophy, medicine and law, in collaboration with the University of Strasbourg.

Zetzner attended high school in Strasbourg and in 1578 married Katharina Heber, Daniel Specklin's niece , with whom he had nine children. From 1582 he was a publisher in Strasbourg. In addition to Strasbourg, he had branches in Cologne (1602 to 1612) and Frankfurt (1611 to 1615) and had printing in Oberursel . His heirs, including their son Eberhard, continued the business in Strasbourg until at least 1661 (when the last volume of the Theatrum Chemicum appeared).

Among other things, he published the works of Ramon Llull (excluding the alchemical works of Pseudo-Lull ), the works of Paracelsus , but also pseudo-Paracelsus writings on alchemy and medical writings from the orthodox medical camp of Galenus followers, which was hostile to Paracelsus . In addition to alchemical writings, he also published an attack on alchemy by Nicolas Guibert . He also publishes Johann Valentin Andreae and Rosicrucian writings (including the Chymische Hochzeit ).

His imprint symbol was a bust of Minerva with the inscription Scientia immutabilis .


  • Rita Sturlese: Lazar Zetzner, "Bibliopola Argentinensis". Alchemy and Lullism in Strasbourg at the dawn of modernity. In: Sudhoffs Archiv, Volume 75 (1991), ISSN  0039-4564 , pp. 140-162.
  • Didier Kahn: Alchemy et paracelsisme en France à la fin de la Renaissance (1567–1625). Droz, Geneva 2007, ISBN 978-2-600-00688-0 .

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