Leave it to me!

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Leave it to me! is a musical by Cole Porter , the book is by Samuel and Bella Spewack based on their play Clear All Wires (1932). The musical was produced by Vinton Freedley , Mary Martin made his Broadway debut and Gene Kelly had his first Broadway engagement with a supporting role. The premiere took place on November 9, 1938 at the Imperial Theater in New York .
The German-language premiere took place under the title Wodka-Cola on December 31, 1987 in the Small House in Stuttgart; with the translation by Michael Kunze , in a version by Dietrich Hilsdorf and Michael Quast.


The newspaper publisher JR Brody is determined to become the American ambassador to the Soviet Union . However, Alonzo P. Goodhue, a bathtub manufacturer from Kansas, will be appointed in his place. Brody now hires his best correspondent Buckley Thomas in Moscow to make sure that Goodhue leaves the post quickly. Goodhue himself wants that too, because he owes the tiresome post to his ambitious wife Leora. But all efforts of the correspondent always lead to the opposite, Goodhue is celebrated as a hero. Finally, Buck realizes that only good deeds are not rewarded and lets Goodhue give a speech about international understanding and the equality of all nations. This promptly leads to Goodhues being recalled. JR Brody now sees his time, but only becomes special envoy for Liberia and then sells his newspaper to Goodhue. On the side, Buck is released, but gets his old love Colette in return.

Well-known music numbers

  • From Now On
  • My Heart Belongs to Daddy
  • Get out of town

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Playbill.com Reference: Imperial Theater (Broadway)