Live birth

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Under live birth refers to the people the birth of a living newborn . If the child dies shortly before or during the birth, one speaks of a stillbirth .

Definition in Germany

In Germany, live birth is regulated as follows in Section 31 (1) of the Ordinance Implementing the Personal Status Act:

"A live birth, to which the general provisions on the notification and registration of births apply, exists if a child has either had a heartbeat after the divorce from the womb or the umbilical cord pulsates or natural lung breathing has started."

In contrast, one speaks of a stillbirth if none of these characteristics apply and of a miscarriage if the weight is also less than 500 grams.

Definition in other countries

In Austria , live birth is defined in Section 8 of the Federal Act on the Profession of Midwifery :

"Live birth: A womb is considered to have been born alive regardless of the length of pregnancy if, after complete exit from the womb, either breathing has started or some other sign of life is recognizable, such as a heartbeat, pulsation of the umbilical cord or significant movement of voluntary muscles, regardless of whether Umbilical cord is cut or not, or whether the placenta is expelled or not. "

This corresponds to the definition of the WHO , which proposes this for the ICD-10 , but which was also used before the ICD-10.

In a slightly modified form, this is also used in the USA in Section 8 of Chapter 1 of the United States Code (USC).

Effects of different definitions

Of course, the different regulations have no effect on the child's ability to live.

However, the different classification leads to sometimes serious differences in statements, for example, on infant mortality and child mortality . By delimiting the term live birth, for example with the condition that several of the characteristics mentioned are present, one particularly selects newborns who have a high mortality risk. These then no longer appear in the statistics and thus lead to a lower representation of mortality. This occurred, among other things, when comparing infant mortality between the Federal Republic of Germany and the GDR , since at least two of the criteria had to be met in the GDR.

Live births by mother's year of birth in 2014

The Statistical Office of the European Union provides high quality statistics on Europe. Every year the live births are announced according to the mother's year of birth.

All in all 10 to 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 18 years 19 years
European Union (28 countries) 5,131,500 1,051 3,416 9,129 19,535 32,799 51,836
Belgium 125.014 5 25th 94 257 456 746
Bulgaria 67,585 168 476 716 1,057 1,516 1,703
Czech Republic 109,860 1 25th 139 331 574 1,016
Denmark 56,870 2 5 12 54 99 249
Germany 714.927 66 278 811 1.913 3,366 5,641
Estonia 13,551 0 4th 19th 58 93 186
Ireland 67,285 4th 8th 50 123 223 492
Greece 92,149 71 139 241 370 481 600
Spain 426.076 59 230 608 1,196 1,833 2,914
France 819.328 130 330 964 2,074 3,939 7,232
Croatia 39,566 2 14th 50 144 263 474
Italy 502,596 4th 22nd 301 937 1,652 2,870
Cyprus 9,258 0 1 7th 20th 18th 45
Latvia 21,746 2 8th 43 103 184 329
Lithuania 30,369 3 19th 49 132 247 463
Luxembourg 6,070 1 1 4th 8th 20th 31
Hungary 93.281 33 149 494 994 1,437 1,903
Malta 4.191 0 1 9 20th 38 40
Netherlands 175.181 0 19th 56 155 363 683
Austria 81,722 6th 32 80 166 337 621
Poland 375.160 20th 110 475 1,338 2,957 4,938
Portugal 82,367 16 72 168 371 534 842
Romania 193.103 385 1,059 2.233 3,619 4,257 4,994
Slovenia 21,165 0 5 5 32 44 83
Slovakia 55.033 20th 79 280 576 888 1,045
Finland 57,232 0 8th 20th 65 171 481
Sweden 114.907 2 13 36 89 244 509
United Kingdom 775.908 51 284 1,165 3,333 6,565 10,706

Individual evidence

  1. ( Memento of April 8, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  2. ( Memento from December 21, 2011 in the Internet Archive )
  4. Eggert Beleites: Limits of Medicine: Because medicine is so good in Europe . In: Deutsches Ärzteblatt . tape 93 , no. 6 . Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag, February 9, 1996, p. A-305 / B-250 / C-226 ( ).
  5. Live births according to the mother's year of birth. eurostat, November 10, 2016, accessed on December 1, 2016 .